1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What if it was a murrrder plot. A hit! An assassination bout to go down [​IMG]
    Do u tell?

    Well, do ya? :cool:
  2. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    And it did....by the lady who posted it on FB. :p

    If you're gonna cheat AND brag about it in public - you deserve whatever consequences you suffer. Jus sayin.
  3. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    I definitely don't support tattling and blasting others in such a public fashion, but the reality is people are drawn to negativity and drama. This fool didn't mind sharing his indiscretions with his buddy in a public forum, and certainly didn't think twice about the acts when he committed them, so he has no reason to act surprised or betrayed by anyone now that his business has been publicized for the world to read.

    The lady was nosey and I'm sure hindsight is 20/20, considering all of the negative repercussions that already happened or could have potentially happened. Perhaps she would have reacted differently had she given the situation more thought. Perhaps she is a woman scorned herself, and wanted to see this a-hole pay a price for his indiscretions.

    Sad for his wife and family.
  4. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    Just mind my bidness!
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    No. 6: You’re not getting any

    Let’s all be adults here and agree that after a certain age, we commit to someone because we like her an awful lot and need a socially defensible way to sleep with her on the regular. I’m not trying to belittle anyone’s moral or religious views on the issue, nor is sex the most important part of a healthy relationship. But it is a big part, and as adults it’s really what separates friendship from romantic involvement. If you’re in an emotionally fulfilling but sexually inadequate relationship, it can almost be more frustrating than having no one at all. For guys unwilling to have a difficult conversation or jettison an incomplete relationship, cheating is often seen as an option

    No. 5: She cheated on you

    If you’re in high school or are just really immature, this probably makes a lot of sense. She cheated on you, but you love her too much to end it, so you figure evening the score will iron everything out. It’s tempting for any guy too weak or love-drunk to make tough decisions, although never in the history of mankind has hurting someone made you feel less hurt yourself. And, fellas, here’s a tip: If she cheated on you, she’s probably already checked out to the point where you turning the tables isn’t going to phase her much. If anything, you’re just validating feelings she already had.


    what other reasons do you think and do you agree with the article
  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Victoria Milan, a website for extramarital hookups, did a survey of 6,000 female members and the following reasons were given for why they are looking elsewhere.

    1. He lacks a sense of humor (19%)
    2. He's not understanding enough (16%)
    3. He's not good in bed (14%)
    4. He lacks good manners (11%)
    5. He's lazy and doesn't have any life plans (10%)
    6. He doesn’t care about his appearance and has poor hygiene (9%)
    7. He's not successful (7%)
    8. He doesn't pay enough attention to details and social obligations (5%)
    9. He's unable to clean up after himself and he's a mama's boy (5%)
    10. He's stingy (4%)

    Interesting that a lack of humor is at the top. Anyway, I posted a poll that asks the ladies who've strayed to anonymously give their reasons for doing so.
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  8. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Hmm . . . crickets.

    I guess we are to believe that the women on this site are paragons of virtue who never fucked around on the side.

    My mistake.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Generally women don't believe in accountability. It's ALWAYS someone elses fault. I've rarely in my life ever heard a woman utter "I was wrong, I fucked up"
    Usually it's half assed apologies like "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you feel that way" No admission of guilt EVER.
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    When I was about 19, I'd cheated on a boyfriend. We were both in the military, stationed far away from each other, I was young and stupid and didn't consider the consequences. It was a completely selfish asshole move on my part.

    When my ex-husband cheated on me, I didn't retaliate cheat - although I had some offers. I just left him and went onwards with healing the damage he had done.
  11. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I've cheated on only one partner and it was because I felt completely and utterly stuck in a miserable relationship. There's not just 1 reason I cheated...I could check off 3-4 things from the list above. Common sense says if you're unhappy...just leave, but sometimes things aren't that simple. I never want to hurt someone like that again though...it was such a shitty thing for me to have done and the fact that I had such disregard for my partners feelings hurts me to this day. He's a good man, just wasn't right for me. He absolutely didn't deserve the way I treated him at the end of our relationship.

    TDKs right in a way...at the time, I used a hundred different excuses to justify my cheating. He wasn't attentive enough, he didn't have any motivation or drive, he was possessive, blah blah blah. Obviously I realize now that nothing justifies cheating, but at the time I had really talked myself into believing I wasn't doing anything wrong.

    I don't care how perfect you think your relationship is, or how perfect your morals might be...with the right (or wrong) set of circumstances, aligned just right, I truly believe 9/10 people would cheat if given the opportunity. I'm sure there are some people out there who are strong enough to either end a bad relationship before moving on, or just suck it up and be miserable for life...but that's not the majority of people. I'm a grown, responsible, educated, caring individual...if I can get to the point of cheating, anyone can. Jmo.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    tdk is rite on point women will put the blame on the man.
    oprah got called out on that years back.
    they jumped on a dude for cheating...same show a woman cheated they showed sympathy. an audience member (man) called oprah out on that and she replied you are rite..im wrong (not in those words of course)
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    digging deeper i think women cheat to get out the relationship and blame the dude
  14. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    For many people, the justification (or projection of fault) only occurs during the affair. Women AND men do this. There are very few people who cheat and openly admit at the time that they're at fault for doing so. When I hear people talking about cheating (men OR women), they justify why they're doing it by rattling off the faults of their partners. Honestly, cheating (and general refusal to take responsibility for ones actions) is a human thing, not a man/woman thing.
  15. Athena

    Athena New Member

    GL: while that may be the case with some women, please look at the two posts above yours where we took complete responsibility for our actions.

    TDK: I know, I know, exceptions not the rule lol
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You beat me to it you little stinker lol
    But you guys are rare in general so I'm not surprised.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    true to a point....men arent smart enuff to blame the women he gets caught.

    scene: woman screams when she catches dude "wtf are u doing?"

    man "huh"

    woman: wtf are you doing?

    man: huh?
    man catches woman: wtf are you doing?

    woman: ok im fucking him because you dont pay all the bills, he pays to get my hair done and he pay the utilities...wtf ? im not passing that up. i love you but lets be honest.


    i believe the center of the discussion is how it is portrayed in the media.

    i dont think tdk and i was trying to go woman bashing at ground zero.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Again tdk (taking liberty to speak for tdk) and i dont want to come across as woman bashing but to be fair to us the title ask about women .
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  19. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I've cheated on a man, because he bored me, sexually, mentally...after that action I knew that this relationship is senseless and that I have to go my own way and to quit.
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    for me if i am breaking up with someone it's because i am bored with him, not in like or love, nothing about him stirs me anymore...i don't see a future...i have never cheated in a committed exclusive relationship...i would rather just get out and be alone than be with someone just to be with someone...

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