Ellen Pompeo rejects Onscreen Interracial romance

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by bosshoss250, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. bosshoss250

    bosshoss250 New Member

    It provides no progress for IR in the industry and allows it to continue to be a stereotyped in that way. It's not racism, but it is racial ignorance. Recreating her personal life is pretty much saying her love life is mostly or completely based on it being Interracial. When it should much more than that. This is nothing more than letting racism effect things plain and simple. Strong people wouldn't care what race their co-stars are, weak people will. If it was going to change or effect the show or any show even now days then it shows no progress at all, in which we do see progress. Been seeing before grey's anatomy hit the air. As I said you can applaud it when a actor does it, but don't call it racism when a director or producer does it not wanting to do IR just because they are in a different position because then it will be all about opinions and when you have opinions you have people taking sides.

    Quite frankly she looked at Isaiah and saw skin color... Not only through her eyes but those who will have a problem with it eyes. Those people who have a problem with Interracial are racist, creating an argument for it is giving racism loop holes to slowly creep into something. If you truly are a person that doesn't make things about race then don't make things about race....

    :) And that is where racial ignorance shows up in us all.:|
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  2. bosshoss250

    bosshoss250 New Member

    It's nor smart or savvy to play games based on race. What's really troubling is that you think it is. In games like that reasons and excuses becomes blurred and confusion turns into a fist and it hits your intelligence dealing a blow that causes ignorance.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting pov
  4. bosshoss250

    bosshoss250 New Member

    Exactly. Don't take my words for self description. Observation is the mind's friend. Truth doesn't exist to the uninitiated. Most so-called knowledge people think they have is all by designed.
  5. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Hollywood is reluctant because a romance/marriage between a black man and a white woman is and always will be seen as taboo. And if a popular actress is in a film where she is in an intimate relationship with a black man, she faces harsh criticism for doing it because she is reminded that it is the white community(not necessarily her talent or looks and personality) who had elevated her there; she belongs to them. Actress May Britt, Sammy Davis, Jr.'s ex-wife never worked in Hollywood again after she married Sammy. So, I guess Hollywood kept that in mind even years after May Britt. But for an actor, the role one plays onscreen/onstage is not a reflection of who they are outside of the medium in their personal lives. And fans also expect that of their favorite performers because they have fantasies of them. And so do the major studios in Hollywood. And as long as there is money to be made, unwritten rules will be in place to ensure complicity. One hand washing the other.
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  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    I disagree...the black male that she was to play opposite A wasn't attractive enough ...her real life husband is HOT...Sandra OH was a better fit...maybe she knew he was a live wire example he got fired from the show...

    This show is packed with controversial story lines...don't be so troubled by what I think...I live in the real world...I think she made a very smart and savvy decision to not play and IR role...the pieces of the puzzle in this show just fit...

    What is most troubling is that you somehow came to the conclusion that because she is married to a black man that she should typecast herself in professional life
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Still waiting for you to explain how one acts "black"
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Good point. What is "black"? Is it the physical description or is it the stereotypical behavior that is imprinted on black men and women in the eyes of non-blacks?
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    Acting black and trying hard to be black are two different things...you like to twist things...nice try but not taking your bait...
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It ain't bait this is a teachable moment kid
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    that was explained
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    nevermind keeping going.
  14. bosshoss250

    bosshoss250 New Member

    No I don't believe she should typecast herself. If that is what you got from that then you are not paying attention. I said this before but you probably missed it. If race doesn't matter, then race doesn't matter. But as I could see you are also enamored by looks by your shallow assessment of Isaiah and her husband. But if that what it was about(in which it wasn't) then knowing hollywood and how superficial they are then going with patrick dempsey was the hollywood choice... but this was about race.

    The problem with you, hollywood and ellen are is that the real world is more perceived than realized. Interracial is only a problem to racist this is not that convoluted. Maybe you and people are so much of fans of her and the show, supportive of being in a IR relationship or whatever. But clearly a bad decision, judgement, ect. was made on her behalf. This woman is not prone to being foolish, there is nothing about her that says she isn't. Ellen Pompeo is racially ignorant. There is nothing smart or savvy about making decision based on race, looking at people and identifying them by race, ect.

    But this is what happens when you are racially ignorant. I look and I see people going deep in the shallow end. There is nothing smart about that. Everything that makes money and fame isn't smart. This is the same woman that called the emmys dated because of their lack of diversity, was on the view and said there should be no NAACP awards only people awards, but will defend her actions in making a decision based on race, will shy away from being in a IR relationship onscreen because she is in one in real life.

    And the thing people want to get out of that in defending her is that will make her a posterchild or typecast herself because she is in a IR relationship in real life. That is looking too much and making too much of race in a relationship, which is shallow, which is racially ignorant.

    You can't call out others to look past race when you are not doing it yourself. Unless you are accepting of being a hypocrite.
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  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It appears, based on responses in this particular thread, that the majority agree or understand Ellen's decision.

    Food for thought. (no pun intended).
    Especially when you consider Grey's Anatomy debuted over a decade before the Cheerios Ad...
    While l personally don't agree with her reason, l can also see and understand(?) the other sides presented by you and others here who aren't ripping Ellen for her decision.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just think sometimes we need to see the bigger picture here. That show has spun off so many other shows that incorporate IR what she does makes perfect sense when you think about it. Her just going along and doing what would have made others feel better about it would have destroyed that show and then my Thursday night tv would suck lol
  17. bosshoss250

    bosshoss250 New Member

    Destroyed it how?
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    America wasn't/isn't ready for that. Like I pointed out with the Cheerios commercial people damn near lost their minds over seeing an ir family where the dad was black and it wasn't some drama filled poverty scene.
    The driving force of that show for the first few years was the romance angle between Ellen and her co-star. Women were glued to their tvs dying to see if they'd get together. I guarantee that would not have happened had she gone with the black doctor and also because he's dark skinned. Then again not even Shemar Moore could have pulled that off.
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  19. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    "The worlds not ready for it". So let's keep catering to the closed minded? That way of thinking doesn't, in any way, lead to progression as a country. If everyone thought that way, our marriages would still be illegal. Thank god for those willing to walk a different path, even if they're walking alone.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That's valid point you raise. Because even though we personally would have loved to see IR, a lot of America might not have. (Think, The Bachelor..not one BM yet and its 2015!).While we can sit here and hope it would have been successful, the fact remains that the pairing of Pompeii and Dempsey capitulated the new show to #1. Which, as you pointed out, then allowed Shonda the hollywood clout to eventually incorporate IR into many of her shows over 10 years.

    Another key factor we are overlooking, is that Shonda obviously agreed. It was her show to finally decide. Again, not endorsing the ommision of a Pompeii and Thomas pairing, just examining all sides.

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