Why Not White Privilege

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by The Dark King, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    That's what happens when you have more IR trolls and wannabes than actual legit IR peeps posting and they start dictating and running shit. We Be Dem Niggaz.com.....
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well they don't call you OG killer Bobby Johnson for nothing
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    In all fairness I troll everyone...especially TDK..it's only the women that leave or go back to knitting shirts
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Despite your occasional trolling and shit stirring, you do however contribute some positive to balance your shit out. That's more than can be said for some individuals here both males & females. But then again I'm old. So what do I know.....
  5. Otis

    Otis New Member

    This is exactly why there will be no structural change without social dislocation.

    It's like seeing a homeless dude, dirty & f**ked up eatin' outta the trash can while you're out on Fri/Sat night. You may genuinely feel for him, but the moment you are safely in your car, you think "I'm glad I ain't him."

    Same deal. All of the screaming, guilt & bullcrap aside, there is a large portion of this society that benefits from the status quo. And they have little vested interest in voluntarily forfeiting their good deal.

    But methinks you knew that already.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah which makes me think, what should the next move be?
    Sometimes I wonder, even though I'm in a very loving relationship with a ww, would it be better for us as a whole to self segregate socially.
    Because the simple truth is there is a war against us globally. Yes there are allies in the struggle who aren't assholes, but unfortunately there are a lot of assholes, and even more who comply by being silent while horrible shit happens.
    Maybe we should take a page from the Indians, Asians, and Jews. Build your shit up professionally and then explore things socially. We seem to be the only group who lets anyone in even everyone else is perfectly ok with keeping/pushing us out.
    I just hate seeing what's going out there, its incredibly sad and unnecessary.
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I don't think segregation will fix anything????? I think it would get worse That would just increase the ignorance of white people. I think the opposite is needed and I think there needs to be more teachings in school about the slave era, Jim crow era and what it means to be black today with schooling /driving while black etc to really get to the enormous group of white people that don't understand white privilege.

    That sound's really stupid i guess but my god, i think every single white person needs to live in a black persons shoes for a week...... When my x didnt even want to drive my car while i was not in it outnofmfear of being acuused of stealing the damn thing.... How do you fix that? We are very segregated as it is and that needs to stop. . We need more people to be aware and less tolerance against the inequalities. Education will not take racism away, but it will help to remove the ignorant group that I believe far outnumber the racist group. I have no idea on how to do this but some serious efforts need to be dine early in school

    I also believe that if reparations would be payed, maybe, just maybe it will at least function as a public acknowledgement of thebterrtible passed that now is just swept under the rug ASN' it was so long ago', again based on ignorance by white people on how the legacy is still alive and 'well'. But that could only work with some serious education. It shouldn't be needed, but it is. Desperately. I see it almost on a daily basis with white colleagues who do not have any CLUE on what is going on out there and regurgitate bullshit, as an example, Ferguson bthey haven't read shit but have a very wrong opinion on what went on, and still is going on there.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well here's the thing what you're saying sounds beautiful and I wish it were feasible but unfortunately because of the long standing status quo I doubt it can ever happen. In reality most people don't want an even playing field, why would anyone want to give up their privilege? In country where so many feel like they're getting less and less giving repairations to a group that gets portrayed as undereducated, classless, and who leech off the system wouldn't garner much harmony just deeper resentment. I know the solution won't be found in this thread or even this forum but I'm just venting I guess.
    Within my small group of friends and family race doesn't matter but in the world at large.... smh. It just gets very cumbersome and weighs on you and shit I'm one of the very lucky ones and I feel this. It must be pure hell for a lot of other folks.
    Here's to a brighter tomorrow I guess.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    But my point is I believe that the vast majority of white folks aren't even aware of their white privilege. At least then white folks i know, believe in equality, but unfortunstely believes it exists. What is say will probably never happen. So my plan is flood this country with kids from IR relationships:-D

    All joking aside ,the problem is to uproot the ignorance of white privilege and that would help an enormous amount. How that can be done....:smt017
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good luck getting most non upper middle class white people to believe it exists at all.
    The very mention of it sends a shit ton of people insane because they think of privilege as something that's tangibly being handed to them so unless they see white only diners or only whites need apply hiring signs they don't see it. But its the same with a lot of dudes who can't male privilege or straight privilege or Christian privilege etc.
    The sad and unfortunate thing is most people are self centered and unaware, they only care when problems enter their orbit then things "need to be taken care of"
  11. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Ideally people would have some sort of experiences that would give them the "walk a mile" in another person's shoes experience. But we all know that's not going to happen.

    One of the best, most humbling, eye-opening experience someone can have is to be the only "fill in the blank" person in a large group.

    In some ways, I expect it to get worse. I notice that more white men seem to be complaining about the lack of "privilege". More are struggling to get jobs and/or move up the ladder. There are more and more conversations about minorities "taking over" and so forth.

    There is no incentive for change, especially if the perspective is that the change will be costly (in some way). The way to motivate people to change is to figure out what their currency is .

    I'm a really optimistic person. I really hoped that the economic fall would cause people to reevaluate priorities in life and shift away from surface materialistic crap and focus more on the importance of relationships and what really matters in life. But that only happened for a few. Most did the exact opposite and if anything became more materialistic. Unfortunately, I think it would be very similar when it comes to rattling the white privilege box.

    Realistically, I think (or maybe it's more I hope) that the change comes from individuals living our lives and showing the difference.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    As usual excellent post
    What's funny is I had a conversation with some friends at dinner the other night about money and positions in life and it's weird how short everyone's memory is. The crash was only six and a half years ago but some act like it never happened at all. We all had friends who had these amazing high paying six figure salaries who lost everything in a matter of months. Dudes went from living in SOHO to living back home with their parents and everyone for some reason acts as if it can never happen again.
    I guess materialism is far easier to attain than genuine relationships which is why people cling to it so hard.
    There will be a great divide that seems inevitable, where we all land seems to be the mystery yet unsolved.
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Tried to rep ya, have to spread it around. :)
  14. Otis

    Otis New Member

    Perhaps this sentiment was meant tongue-in-cheek, but this is the revolution changing things. It's all in the birthrate folks.

    It's the birth rates. I sincerely believe that this is the Biggest issue of this century. That's right. Birth rates

    Indulge me.

    In fact, go on any white supremacist site & you would be in for a big surprise; the #1 topic of conversation among that set is making families! There's a lot to this, but consider the frenzy over abortion & immigration.

    Starting to see the picture?

    There are individuals & groups of people that know full well what fruits tomorrow brings. And in that vein, I expect the white privilege thing to become more pronounced. It's all about power.

    But what will defeat that is things like this forum. You are already far more powerful than you realize.
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You'd be right if we were unified here. But there's too much in-fighting.
  16. Otis

    Otis New Member

    Oh. Call me naive but I just assumed that this would be a medium of friendship and harmony.

    Then again, you know what they say about assuming.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    how it can be done is the ultimate question.

    its human nature to have the "as long as it does nt happen to me....theres no problem"

    that anybody

  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I did, too, when I joined.
  19. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The reason why these racist groups bring up the family is because,(sometimes these people mention this on talk shows they are forunate to guest on) they are worried that there will be no white, black or other races to remain "pure."
  20. Otis

    Otis New Member

    My point is the family thing is pushed from a standpoint of replenishing their numbers. The facts are the facts. The birth rate in the western world is receding at crisis levels, while the developing world's rate is exploding.

    Types like David Duke are all over this.


    I'm bad at this. here is the link if the video doesn't show https://youtu.be/Anfaixg9BnE

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