Charlie Sheen's Porn Ho Says No to Black Men

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    i read once about one pornstar and she had sex with animals but called doing a lesbian scene "unatural" :smt017 im not a fan of either but the irony was just too much
  2. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    It's all in the delivery :cool:
  3. sauce22

    sauce22 New Member

    NO in porn the ONLY race a porn girl wouldn't do is blacks. Has nothing to do with preference. she will fuck asians latins arab princes ect...just no blacks.

    ALL black girls will screw white guys in all black girls love white guys?
    ALL asian girls will screw white guys in porn...a lot will not do blacks.
    ALL latin girls will screw white guys in porn.... a lot will not do blacks.

    When it always comes down to 1 race its clearly racism, people will not understands this. Anyway a porn girl doesn't have a preference or she wouldn't be doing porn. Kacy has said she has screwed thousands of men and has said she didn't find a lot them attractive. So that should tell u right there. Preference has more to do with it than if the guy is black or not.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol. Always the bridesmaid never the bride.
  5. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    some of her white male fans were cheering and happy that she isint doing IR porn either in a forum i read, these are the kinds of guys that are the reason why, they like having their fear protected
  6. sauce22

    sauce22 New Member

    anyway kacy has said she has done black guys since her comments.

    ^^in this comment she says should i do anal or interracial first? obviously she chose

    ^ here she says "Just had my first black cock ever... I gotta hand it to them... They do know how to fuck!"

    And no she didn't catch a thing for black guys, she's a known prostitute and she just did some random black guy for money. Nothing to do with "preference"

    And i really doubt that it was her first black guy, that's just some shit shes saying twitter. She probably has banged plenty for money off screen. 1 thing you should know about porn stars is a lot of them dont wanna be seen with black guys on screen but will do them off screen for money. They can hide it that way.
  7. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    She hasn't done any Black guys on film -- she's a porn ho for Crissakes! Male preference has nothing to do with anything -- she's getting paid to have sex. She got paid $30,000 to fcuk the ruler of Dubai who's a fugly bastard. Some of the white guys she fcuks on film are some of the fugliest lifeforms on the planet. I still think she's a racist porn ho.

    BTW, how many Black female porn performers say they won't fcuk white dudes??? Zero. If they said no to white dudes they wouldn't be working much cause there ain't no major Black-owned porn companies. There are some brothas in porn who have indie production companies...but, they a very small fish, and could not provide steady work for sistas in porn.

    There's actually quite a bit of BM/WW porn out there now, but the product is streamed on Websites as opposed to being sold as DVD's in stores (lower costs cause you don't pay to manufacture the DVD's on the Net). Many of the WW on these site are one-timer's...meaning that they may do porn once or twice -- but, not make a career out of it. The links below are interracial sites. These are a very small sampling of the IR sites out there -- there are many, many more (NSFW):,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

    The Kid Rasta
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Here's the thing Rasta, she's a racist because she can be. The black women who don't say no to white guys may feel about them as Karey does about Black men. If the porn industry was flipped, trust that Karey would be getting filled in all holes by BM if she wanted to wanted to work (like BW do now). If BM were the majority IR porn purchases rather than WM, she'd be SOL and work with her attitude.
  9. ebony allen

    ebony allen Restricted

    Wow. Some one is hella bitter. All blacks may not look alike. But other races, including whites do not find particular black traits attractive. That would include hair texture, skin tone, and other traits that are common to only blacks. So therefore don't find any black men attractive. Nothing wrong with that.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not all black people have the same hair texture not all black men have the same skin tone(Do you Wesley Snipes Will Smith and Denzel Washington look the same to you?)
    Nothing I said would indicate bitterness just disgust but good try dummy
  11. ebony allen

    ebony allen Restricted

    Doesn't matter. If she doesn't want to have sex with black men, so what? It's none of your business. And it's not a crime to not want to.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It is my business to identify all forms of racism I see and to talk about it. All evil needs to take over is for good men to sit by and do nothing.
    By the way this is an open forum all things are up for discussion so if you don't like it move the fuck on.
  13. ebony allen

    ebony allen Restricted

    Oh well. You can talk. You still can't do anything about it. Sitting here whining isn't going to change anything.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All change is started with simple discussion. Don't believe me? Look it up my friend. Things never change by being silent about it.
  15. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I used to work with an ex-porn star, she was only 27 but had been in the business since she was 18. She left when she got pregnant at 23.
    She was a black woman and had never, EVER had sex with a white man and refused to, even for porn, when she would get paid. Just sayin.'

    Ding ding ding. Spot on.
    Some of the guys that the girls post in the hot black men are not what I'd go for. Some of the guys I post are not what the majority of the girls would go for either. I personally think it's insane to reject any race because there is such a variety within all races. I mean take A-Rod, Wesley Snipes and Dwayne Johnson. ALL of those men consider themselves black and yet I'm only attracted to one of them. Or even if you want to go down the white man route, take Daniel Craig, Enrique Iglesias and Harry Hill. All consider themselves white and all look so different.
    Like someone said, she'd fuck Charlie Sheen but not even look at Dwayne Johnson? Are you fucking kidding me.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Some people are so invested with the black experience being monolithic. Besides we're all just plain human period.
  17. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    but what if a person dosent feel anything for other races?
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not possible. There are literally billions of options I'm sure there's at least one that will do it for you. Is there a race you don't like?
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Good stuff darling! I hope then you ended up voting in Nov...:smt058

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Always even though I don't believe in it anymore. Politics is pure bs at this point. Grass root movements are what truly promote change.

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