Da Pope in Africa: "Its bareback sex, or nothing at all"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sir Nose, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    How do you save a person who won't abstain even if promiscuity is life-threatening? If I am not mistaken it is considered a crime in some US States to have sex with an unwitting person if you are HIV positive.
  2. supertype

    supertype New Member

    I dont want to defend the pope. But as catholic (im not really catholic, havent been in a church for ages, but I growt up in a catholic enviroment and went to c. school when I was a kid, so I know my religion) the Pope is not blind, he knows wery well what's going on. But the abstention from sex before marriage is paramount in the catholic religion. And catholic belivers MOST follow this rule. Celibacy is one of the key words. If wery few people follow this is another matter. But this is one of the most important rules in the religion, and it most be followed. The pope cant change it and he cant give directives against he's own religion.

    I understand lot of people dont agree, and neither do I. But this is the religion, take it or leave it.
  3. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I agree with you. It's the religion to be wrong.
    BTW, I don't see the difference. If one of the partners have the AIDS, the ohet one or the babies might get it even if they have sex after the wedding.

    The truth is that the church sees sex as a bad, dirty, thing.
    If God wanted us to have sex only when we are married, he would have make something in our body that allows us to have sex only after the wedding. But he didn't and that's because marriage is a contract that human beings invented to remark the committment.
  4. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    This is one thing that has always puzzled me. People who are pro-abortion, anti-abstinence, etc, and insist that they are still catholics.

    If you disagree with the doctrine, then why insist that you are a catholic?

    Can't agree with you on that one, TS.
  5. supertype

    supertype New Member

    well this require a long answer who goes back to Adam and Eve. But the main reason are we were not supposed to sin. But u know the story, about Eve and the snake, the forbidden fruit ect ect.
    So now we are here, imperfect and sinners...the only thing we can do is try to sin less. It's impossible NOT to sin (even the greatest of the saint's sin seven time at day) but what count is our faith and the effort to live a pure life.

    I dont belive it, offcourse, but this is the doctrine....as they say, so is it written, so it be.!

    Well that kind of people are called heretics. Either you belive or dont. You cant choose what to belive in a religion. Religion (any religion) is not a take away, a buffet of supernatural belief. A religion is a spiritual/political entity. Not a Big Mac of random ritual.

    Im not a practicant catholic, yes i growt up in a catholic enviroment, got a catholic education. Im familiar with the religion, the lithurgy, the doctrine. It's part of my culture, my personality.
    But if you ask me, do I belive in the religion, well no. Yes maybe some part of it may be appailing, if you need to belive on something. But Im not a beliver even if officially it's still my religion. BTW I havent been in a church for almust a decade. And that's bad since a good catholic has to go to the church every sunday, if you cant sunday then saturday or frayday.

    PS I apologice for my crappy english.
  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I respect those that are abstinate. Unfortunately, it made more sense thousands of years ago when people got married at 13,14 and 15 years old. It isn't that difficult to hold out until you are 14 but it is much more of a chore to wait until you are 25,28 or 30. Most people that wait until marriage to have sex (from what I've observed) get married much earlier than those that engage before marriage. If you are going to abstain until you are 19 and then get married...versus someone that has sex and marries at 26......i'm tired..where's the beer.

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