StartUp.... New Series on Crackle

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by glt1980, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    I noticed a few guys talking about finance and Cryptocurrency in the Kaepernick protest thread and thought this show might interest them. Working as a trader myself and also in school to get a degree in computer science this show peaked my interest.



    A desperate banker needs to conceal stolen money. A Haitian-American gang lord wants to go legit. A Cuban-American hacker has an idea that will revolutionize the very future of money itself. Forced to work together, they unwittingly create their version of the American dream - organized crime 2.0.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Cool I'll check it out.
    Already have several critiques lol
    Also studying some CS
    Purely programming?
  3. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Not purely programming but software engineering. It was something I was really into as a kid but drifted away from it a bit as a got older, I concentrated on other things but now that I am older I decided that I would like to learn more and get a formal education in it and I am about year away from getting my degree.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What do you want to do?
  5. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Honestly I have tons of ideas and I am a pretty ambitious guy and a big dreamer. I would love to build a new trading platform. All the guys I have worked with over the years have said how they would love to have a better one to work on. Most of those I have used have not been worth the money you have to pay to use them. Many of the platforms are fast but are not all that user friendly even if you are a veteran user.

    I have tons of other ideas that I would love to see come about some just things I want to do personally and some I would like to make public.

    The thing I am actually most passionate about though is finding and connecting young brothers with ideas in the tech field with the money people so that they can get their ideas off the ground. There are so many that cant get a foot in the door with these tech firms.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Have checked out some of the crypto trading platforms? A lot of them are amazing and FREE. Not to mention the automated trading is amazing only thing is if you rely completely on that you miss A LOT of good margin trades.

    Do you think race is a factor in tech? I always wondered because I definitely see that in accounting and finance unless you're one of those rare dudes who played college or professional sports then turned to finance. Those dudes get A LOT of opportunities out the gate.
    Got a former NBA player trading in one of the buildings across from me and everyone is on dude's nuts.
  7. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    I do think that race is a factor in tech, its no different than the finance and accounting world. I would say that it is more racial than racist though. When most of the people in these fields are people that dont look like us and they are the ones doing the hiring we always have to bring something extra to the table. Then you have some that will try to push you into a different part of the field where they believe Its definitely not enough to be smarter or better educated than our counterparts.

    I'll tell you a bit of a story years ago I was with a firm I was literally the only black guy in the office and as such I knew I had an uphill climb and I had given my everything to this firm, I was always the first into the office, the last one out. I hardly ever took a day off and I worked my ass off to be the top sacrificing everything any kind of life and even my health basically because I didnt want to give the people in charge any reason to say I did not deserve to move up. I was noticed by one of the higher ups and he took me under his wing and became my mentor after a while working there having lots of success and working up an executive position opens up and I am up for it along with another guy that was there not as long as me and did not have my level of success. He ends up getting the position of course I am disappointed but I go back and do my job like I always do no less effort. A few weeks later I am having lunch with my mentor and during that lunch he mentioned that he was leaving the firm to start his own and wanted me to come along. He told me that staying where I was would be a mistake because I would never rise to the level I wanted and not because I my skills or work ethic or anything but because the people making the decisions would be more comfortable with guys that looked like them in certain positions. Now he could have been pulling my leg trying to poach me away but given that all the other guys looked like them I chose to believe him. It was a good move on my part.

    In the tech field things are no different. Most of the people in the field don't look like us and end of the day all things being equal they are going to hire someone that they are comfortable with and more times than not those people look like them.

    If Larry Page and Sergey Brin had been Lamar Page and Sergio Briceno then Google might not have been.

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