Some in the black community speaking out against Blm

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Paniro187, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    So most black on black murderers are caught and that is the only reason it's not protested. Lol right. terrible excuse for the lack of outrage of something truly happens WAY more. Regardless of the fact that he's a piece of shit roof had a point in that regard the reason that I brought him up is because the lack of outrage does nothing but give ammo to the opposing side. It gives them hypocrisy to point out. So yeah it's easy to sit back and say he's a racist (or in the case of someone else he or she did this in their past or present) so don't take notice of a single thing that was said.

    Imo when a racist piece of shit has a point that the black community provided to them and won't even address then IMO. That's sad.

    I'm sure all that didn't come out like I wanted to, regardless of that you wouldn't care if it did cause we disagree on this.

    Also the reason isn't because of no accountability because the outrage is immediate without any facts on the case whatsoever. People don't even wait until they no bill he officer before the outrage ensues. So fuck your "its all about accountability bull shit." It's just another excuse to blame someone else for the person that got shot and his or hers bad decisions that landed him or her in a chase shootout or whatever with the police. Fuck that and fuck them no pity sent from my way.

    And if the cop was truly wrong in a situation then fuck them as well for fucking up.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Where did I ever say it was justified? Really... where? This is a pretty serious reach.

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  3. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Your constant reaching is the dumbest shit ever.


    I am beginning to realize that no one is permitted to have any issues with the black community and especially the negative things that bw do within our community. You will reach to the stars to misconstrue everything we say and will come up with some off the wall conclusions in the process. Beasty and I may disagree in this thread, but I can find plenty of threads were we both agree.

    You, on the other hand, just seem to flip out any time someone doesn't conform to your idea that all is perfect and nothing is ever the bw fault and no one can disagree with you on anything. That's fine man. But, I am just going to leave you to it, man.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    WTF is with your reading comprehension?????

    Black folk first of all DO protest gang violence and indiscriminate crime in the Black community, but IF a Black murderer is caught, Black folk know that killer will be punished.

    He won't have a union or a criminal justice system arguing the murder was justified.

    The reason outrage when a cop kills a Black man or woman is 'immediate' is because of HISTORY.

    We've seen over and over there is no accountability for cops who kill Black people. So why should we wait and hear the facts when 9/10 we know how the story is gonna go??

    What you're missing, either from being dense or on purpose, is that you're focusing on the RACE of cops who kill Black folk instead of the POSITION they hold.

    Cops, White, Black, Asian, etc, simply are not held to account by the criminal justice system for murder.

    If 80% of cops who murdered unarmed Black suspects went to prison, you'd see very few protests from anyone. FACT.

    Dylan Roof did not have a 'point'.
    He had the warped, upside down world view of someone who only sees his reality as a White war against Black people.

    Blacks care when people in positions of AUTHORITY are allowed to murder our people with impunity. THe race of those in power is irrelevant.

    How long are you going to keep defending Dylan Roof and the 'rightness' of his ideas???:shock:

    Anyone who would seek to find wisdom and logic from the racist ideology of a young man who's clearly mentally disturbed says so much about you.

    What was David Duke right about??
    What was William Pierce right about???

    What was Timothy McVeigh right about??

    People judge you by the company you keep, Paniro.

    I don't have shit to say about someone who reads the writings of racist homicidal maniac like Dylan Roof and seeks to find the truth behind his words.

    You're not only a self-hating, right wing troll, you're also a White supremacist apologist.

    You should be banned on general principle.
  5. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I agree with that
  6. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Apparently, I can't rep you at this time, but you're totally on point, and you explained it very well.
  7. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Apologist? When did I defend his actions. Do tell me anywhere in my posts that I DEFENDED. The actions of this dude. Therightness of his ideas? I pointed out one. And there was a reason that I used it which you just could give a flying shit to read why I did it. So I could really give a crap if you're going to get dramatic about this. Your feelings are so sky high it's effecting your reasoning IMO.

    And on the 80 percent comment. That can't be proven and is pure speculation so how can we really go off of that.
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Can someone please explain to me why some of you continue to actively engage in discussions about the black community and black people as a whole with with an individual who has shown nothing but contempt for said community and for everyone on this forum who does not share the same contempt?
  9. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    "Why I left Blm"

  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    With all the ills in the world, why are you so obsessed with discrediting BLM??

    You think you'd be more concerned with the rise of the AltWhite movement on the interwebz and the White supremacist social media.

    Oh, check that.

    You probably think AltWhite 'has a point'.
    Hell, you're probably a card carrying member.:toimonster:
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Anyone who thinks Dylan Roof had something important to say about anything is a straight up sick fool and needs to be locked up in prison with him.

    IRL, saying Dylan had some important shit to say means by definition you're defending him.

    THat 80% is what people call a HYPOTHETICAL, a rhetorical thought problem.

    How could any reasonable person think Black folk would protest a police killing of an unarmed Black person if the majority of the time they were sent to prison for murder???

    But you keep defending your side and the wisdom Dylan Roof.
    Since he obviously had the right solution for our race problem.
  12. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Ah well fuck it
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Personally, l hate that killers of anyone are not held accountable. I also think first we need to understand the very law in place that allows LEO's to skirt most accountability.. In essense it reinforces that they are put in the situation in the first place because of their job, so much leverage is granted...

    The Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights (LEOBR or LEOBoR)
    is intended to protect American law enforcement personnel from investigation and prosecution arising from conduct during official performance of their duties, and provides them with privileges based on due process additional to those normally provided to other citizens. It was first set forth in 1974, following Supreme Court rulings in the cases of Garrity v. New Jersey (1967) and Gardner v. Broderick (1968 ).

    As of April 2015, fourteen states have versions of the Bill written into their statutes. An additional eleven states are considering similar legislation, and many other states have similar provisions written into their contracts with police unions.

    Critics say that the LEOBR makes it impossible to discipline or remove bad officers, even after they have been convicted of felonies in the courts. Under LEOBR, officers are judged only by other officers. LEOBR prevents the formation of civilian review boards that give civilians oversight over police actions.

    Then to the issue of murder of a civilian committed by a civilian... Accountability lacks there as well..

    NPR Open Cases: Why One-Third Of Murders In America Go Unresolved
    "If you're murdered in America, there's a 1 in 3 chance that the police won't identify your killer.

    The Economist: Getting Away with Murder

    "America’s homicide clearance rate—the percentage of solved crimes that lead to arrest—has fallen considerably in the past 50 years, from around 90% in 1965 to around 64% in 2012, according to federal statistics. This means more than 211,000 homicides committed since 1980 remain unsolved. Every year introduces nearly 5,000 more".

    My city falls even shorter with under 50% solved.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ra, here is your answer. Human kind is ultimately the problem. Doesn't matter what your race is or what kind of black person you are or much else.

    The last paragraph that I mentioned is why people instinctively want Black Lives Matter to be renamed to something else that's inclusive of everyone (ie All Lives Matter) or something completely different without reference to the black race. This is where we all have a problem, because it is more about us as human beings and not about the racial group we are.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


    Mikey, my post was rhetorical because at the end of the day no one here is enlightening Paniro or anyone else who happens to share a similar mindset, on anything. And by that same token Paniro definitely isn't enlightening anyone here with opposite views to his own on anything either.
  17. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    You are so right. It's one thing to debatr to someone ignorant but it's ridiculous to debate a fool.

    Anyone who cosigns a white supremacist isn't worth the key strokes to discuss anything...not even football
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    This 40 minute interview explains why Black folks shouldn't be fuccing with "Black Lives Matter":

    Nyota Uhura Speaks On White Liberals Funding & Controlling #BLM,George Soros, & Democrat Sabotage
  19. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Omg really? Then what's the alternate

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