Tell Amazon and PayPal: Stop funding neo-Nazis and white supremacists!

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Unique4ever, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Tell Amazon and PayPal: Stop funding neo-Nazis and white supremacists!

    Burning crosses might be gone, but racism is alive and well. Hundreds of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups still thrive around the country. And, with the help of Amazon and PayPal, they are making a profit.

    There should be no place for race hatred or violence in our society. It's up to us to pressure corporations to take a stand!

    According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a leading civil rights group, PayPal "serves as the main financial tool for transferring money to American hate groups." PayPal has removed some of these groups, but the SPLC says at least 69 remain.

    Hate groups also use Amazon to make a profit. By joining Amazon's Affiliates program, websites can refer people to Amazon and get 7% of whatever they spend. Affiliates include hate groups like "white nationalist publishing house" Counter Currents, which has recieved nearly $20,000 from Amazon. Amazon's Marketplace also sells neo-Nazi items advertised on racist site, "the world's largest online white supremacist forum." And the retailer has been known to sell music from bands like the Klansmen and Bully Boys, who sing "Fire up the ovens."

    Both PayPal and Amazon have policies that ban hate groups, but according to the SPLC and the Washington Post, they're not doing a good job enforcing them. They need to hear from you today.

    You can limit the reach of violent hate groups. Stand for love and civil rights: Tell Amazon and PayPal to remove hate groups from their websites and pre-screen new affiliates!

    Sign the petition here:
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Great post
  3. Gemini74

    Gemini74 Well-Known Member

    signed and shared on fb.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Neo nazis making money off of my favorite retailer????

    Well I'll be [​IMG]
  5. Otis

    Otis New Member

    Very interesting. But I have to be honest; it doesn't surprise me one bit. The motivation for large, publicly traded corporate structures is profit. That's it.

    Of course there could be some sympathizing elements within Paypal & Amazon (& to be clear, I don't condone or agree with this behaviour at all), but large corporations have traded in miscreant circles for years.

    - there's the corporate connection to the blood diamonds trade

    - the direct links between Big Bank financiers and the international drug trade

    - JP Morgan knowingly sold assets that were designed to fail to consumers

    - Corporations bribing foreign government officials

    - And my personal favorite, the collusion in the manipulation of LIBOR

    Again, as I have seen, large corporate behavior can be far more criminal & unethical than most of us would prefer to know. Obviously, this doesn't excuse Paypal & Amazon for their part. But all they're gonna do is play innocent until a smoking gun is produced. Then, they'll beg forgiveness & launch some we hate 'hate' campaign, with plenty of we-are-the-world fanfare.

    I know that sounds cynical as hell. But let's face it; they have no incentive to change, or even alter their behavior. The consumer rewards them by doing business with them. Wall Street rewards them for revenue growth. And the shareholders are happy with a performing asset. No one in those tents are going to complain. That's just how it is.

    And to be totally transparent, I have a both a Paypal & Amazon account. And I ain't gettin' rid of either one, because I benefit from them.

    Politics and Business makes for strange bed partners.

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