do black women not like ww/bm together?

Discussion in 'Dealing with Prejudice' started by missykins, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    By contrast, my ex-bf was convinced that people were staring at and judging us. That is one of the reasons he ended the relationship. He wasn't comfortable. But I, never once, got that impression from anyone and I was paying attention. I even had some BW look at us and smile at me. Now, what was behind that smile is anyone's guess, but I perceived it to be friendly, as if to say, "Yeah, you go girl!"

    I was with another guy before that relationship and he is much more open-minded about IR - has dated many WW - and he noticed that 2 WM were looking at us in a store. I didn't think they were staring, but he did. He made some remark to me like "Wow! We even have a black president now!" Like he was hinting that the guys thought seeing a WW/BM together was as new and different as having a black president. Or whatever color he is since that subject can't seem to be settled to everyone's satisfaction. :p
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I agree. I don't get it either....

    If people focused more on their own lives and tried to better their situation, then maybe they wouldn't care who does what. People who have too much going on and live their lives positively, could give two shits what the next man or woman is doing.
  3. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    people who think they are entitled to every ww and bm wont do this, its too much of a big task for them
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know. It's very unfortunate....:(
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    No, race factors into everything. Generally, it will always be an issue because it isn't what is considered "traditional" in American society, and perhaps the world for that matter.

    At least the Supreme Court says we're free to love whomever we want. Other people could still make it crappy for us though.

    I don't have hatred for BW (I prefer any female), but I've talked this over with my mom and the consensus was that I would have to leave America and go to a native country (Jamaica, Carribean Islands, Ethiopia) if I wanted to find a quality black woman to date. Can't do that though because those countries aren't industrialized and as technologically innovated as America.

    Hence, the dating scene for us just isn't that great. Even if you're gay/lesbian, you still face a lot of prejudice too. In some ways, it's like the only thing that's acceptable is to be with the opposite sex of your own race. Any other variant warrants prejudice.

    Nah, not necessarily. This is what L. Star said from the hater site I like to whine about.

    We also have to think about divorces as well and wonder if, perhaps America is not a place where people could foster healthy, nurturing relationships with one another? Maybe it simply does not work here.
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Not going to act like things are all Kumbaya, cause I don't subscribe to that way of thinking, but I have to disagree and say, in MY opinion, I don't think race factors into everything. I think SOME people like to personally factor it in.

    Black relationships make up like 90 something percent, so I don't think IR is surpassing anything by leaps or bounds by any means.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Did you view and post in those threads about money, net worth, unemployment, athletics, etc?

    Two groups of people feel that they are being "left-out" of the dating market and it's mainly Black women and Asian men. Hence, there's an imbalance and people will complain. That mainly affects the WM/AW coupling and the BM/WW coupling.

    Also, please read this so you realize more stuff.

  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Mikey, please don't try and talk to me like I have no idea what's going on in the world and society. I've been around a long time and experienced many things and I'm well aware of the topics being discussed and raised. I don't believe IR statistics are high as some make them out to be. The media has lot to do with it. They focus on IR. That in turn, makes people think that everyone is dating IR and that's simply not true. The numbers don't add up.

    I'm not getting into a long drawn out debate about this. Good day....
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Pay attention to where those posters are.........always in the No. East or Ny and the south. Most of the people in the US do not expericence blatant things that they post of. You got a big country going on here and regions vary is acceptance and attitudes.

    In Canada, Jamaica or here?? lived so many places.

    Same for me. You just don't experience it and if it happens it is extremely rare.

    I have had BM stare at me and my man. Not with a bad look but a look....... I don't know. Had one a while back that stood afar from us at the grocery store. We had our heads down reading something and I looked up and saw this guy staring and not looking away. I went back to reading with my head down next to my guy and what seemed like minutes, just know it was abnormally long that he stood there starting, looked up again and the guy was still there. He wasn't looking at any groceries or waiting for someone because I saw him later alone. I wondered if he was just doing more of a checking us out together thing vs hating or thinking bad thoughts. His face did not convey hate but rather curiousness of us or awe ??, if I could place the look. He looked to be thirties so no not some old bm with antiquated ideas on IR either.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, I apologize. I'm trying to be smart and it should be honored here that I am. It's better to have knowledge than only knowing how to shoot a basketball and make rap music. Besides, I'm learning a lot at the university level and I'm making posts on the internet. I should try it out on someone. :p

    And perhaps you may be right about the IR stats, but cohabitation has increased a lot in America and that isn't reported in the statistics. I still think you're right though.

    Ok, have a nice day. :(
  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I understand. Keep on learning, cause the skies the limit on that, but also remember, that not everything you read is fact/true. A lot of things are bias, skewed and misreported.

    Take care....:)
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    black women only care if a bm is with a ww if the black man is educated, stacking papers, athlete, business man, doing well for himself, good looking, great body, funny, happy, at ease, has a job, has a car, takes care of himself, good man, good dad, smart, witty, charming...etc...anything positive about the man and they want him

    bw don't want ww to have any good black men...on the other hand we could really care less what wm date/marry really has no
  13. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Good post. There is more than one type of "Black America" within America.

    The other type of Black America is one you probably wouldn't see in mainstream American society because of unemployment, wedlock, socioeconomic disadvantage, or incarceration.
  14. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Real stuff, I like it


    if only more realized this....
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Love that post
  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I'm all those. Lol
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You forgot modest. :p
  18. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    :D Thankies To Ches
  19. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    With BW it is always common. They feel jealous. But I guess he is completely black and not mixed. That feeling is not shared between BM and mixed men.
    being light skinned. I think BW only view BM as being stolen, not mixed men. I have never had that issue with BW. They tend to look t me, then move on.
  20. MiraiMi

    MiraiMi New Member

    My mother is mixed and my father is black, so even though I'm 'black' black my skin is a lighter shade. Your latter mention of the "then move on" has a ring of truth to it (in my case at least).

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