Do most Russian women have an attraction to Black men?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by dark side, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member


    I just cringe when I hear whites refer to race when saying a put just doesn't sound right to me....that's all.....just my opinion....

    completely agree with your take on dj, he seems almost.........rabid.
  2. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Here's my take on this entire discussion. Not that my take is necessarily needed though. :lol: I think DJ is upset about the fact that men who aren't rich, and who are otherwise just normal guys, are constantly overlooked for dates with women in the U.S (meaning there are really slim pickings), whereas in other countries, there are a many more available women for him to choose from (the exact opposite of having slim pickings lol). I can understand where he's coming from because i am not a bad looking guy, but i would be lying if i said i didn't feel overlooked by women 90 percent of the time.

    I honestly don't know why i'm overlooked by women, but i always have been, and that just plain sucks. I want to be liked by women, and desired, and sought after like i think i deserve to be. Not that i'm stuck on myself or anything lol (far from it), but i think i'm a pretty great guy with a lot to offer a woman, but it seems like i have to try extremely hard just to get a girl to notice me half the time. Maybe i just don't stand out from the crowd enough or something? Maybe i'm not flashy enough? :smt017 If things could possibly be easier with women in other countries, i would explore it as well (i don't know if things are easier with women in other countries because i've never been abroad, but if this is true, then i would be crazy not to try it right (for the reasons i just stated above).

    Although i see where you're coming from with this DJ, c'mon man, the name calling isn't necessary is it?
  3. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.Black Men.Russian Women.Thread Gone Off-Topic

    :?: This thread has gone a little off topic.And really, Moskvichka was the only one addressing the thread's original question it seemed.

    I have read the posts and I think everyone has valid points from their own respective positions, but then each individual has taken their positions and made too many generalizations about the other's point of view.Constructing "straw man" arguments, if you will.

    The last post did contain a valid question from a white woman's point of view:"What if all the white women on this board began saying positive things about Nigerian black men, while pointing out flaws of American black men?Most North American black men would take umbrage to such attitudes.

    The previous posts stating the positive experiences that were had in Europe were also valid from a black man's point of view in that the white women residing in Europe tend to have fewer concerns or negative preconceived notions about consorting with black men. I have experienced similar attitudes firsthand.

    Splitting the difference: America has a population of 300 million, of which over half are women, and if you parse out the single eligible white women between a certain age of say 25 to 40, statistically, there are more than enough potential mates available by which a relationship can be built upon.Even if you took your own state's population, it's likely you'd find no less than thousands of women to choose from, and that is even keeping in context with the specific interracial niche we're speaking about. In the end, compatibility has little to do with geographic location, and initial or novelty-like experiences are not the same as forming long term, permanent relationships both with another person and one's outer environment.
    A person when they experience something new have often times found a possibility in their lives that wasn't there previously.I take this is a positive thing.If most of your life you have been living in one paradigm, and then discover something that totally shatters it but in a positive way, you'll tend to want to share and evangelize about how it's changed your life and how good you feel.You'll want to endorse it to everyone you meet.This would be true of a new book, a new product, a new type of music, or what have you.The idea of stepping out and discovering something new and sharing is all part of being human.In the end, no matter how negative a person may come across, the underneath is an attempt to express a positive.

    Anyway, that's just my .02 on it, and at the end of the day we'll disagree, but we could be agreeable in our disagreement.
  4. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :idea: And of course that wouldn't happen but if it did to some degree I wouldn't mind as long as it was a bro no matter where he came from & he and his white lady had a good relationship. Furthermore, I think folks that are into IR between bros & white ladies are just as proud of Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy) & Chris Ivery as they are of let's say Heidi & Seal.
  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member


    Couldn't have said it better myself
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i wasn't putting him down just stating the facts...all of which he has offered up and i'm pretty sure if dj were to moon all of us his ass would be black...well maybe a caramel brown LOL

    on a serious note, i did not mean it in a derogatory me i like a fine black ass...and that doesn't just mean a great shape...i would worship the ass of the man i love/care about...he could be muscular, athletic or even a few extra pounds...just as long as he is not too skinny...if his baggy jeans are smaller then mine than that is just not going to fly...
  7. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :idea: Well one thing is for sure, I CAN TELL YOU'VE BEEN AROUND SOME BLACK FOLKS FOR REAL!!! :smt081
  8. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    well lipstick, it's like this.......ever heard someone called a blonde haired bytch? or you browned haired bytch, prolly not, yet I've heard, you red headed bytch as if red hair has anything to do with being a bytch, it doesn't...

    What it is though, is something different, out of the norm, thus its use in the insult.

    I remember once being in Spanish Harlem picking up a couple of girl friends, car was one of those mitsubishi spiders, well one of my friends is straight from italy, the other indian, we get my other two friends and as we pull away from the curb, this guy looks straight at me and mutters, "whitegirl" insult....white being out of the norm....for him.

    don't care if you "hang out with" or "have black friends" when a white says certain things, due to our position of power in this country, it carries different connotations whether we want it to or not....doesn't matter how we mean it.

    I guess.....for me.....saying your "sorry ass" would have worked just as well without referring to his "black ass"

    just me...I know you didn't mean anything hidden by just hit my ears wrong.....that's all...I hope I explained myself better......

    friends? :D



    I'mma clone your ass...and you too...of course.
  10. designer

    designer New Member

    Who is deesigner???????

    I'm liking you more and more with your none spelling butt!!!!!

    All jokes aside Mrs. Devil, I like what you say and how you say it.
    4 real.... 8)
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    shedevil...actually i thought the redheads were spirited...blondes evidently are hair is witchy...and brunettes fall into the level headed bunch...i have had all of these colors...

    i have been called a "cracker" among other things...doesn't effect me...

    i don't know if we can call dj a sorry ass...he might have a nice butt...and then we would look silly...i actually don't think he is a bad looking guy...and should be able to meet lots of cute girls...i think his attitude towards women in general is horrible...that in/of itself is holding him back...

    yes, of course friends...many things can be taken out of context when written...the delivery is different than when verbalized...
  12. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I agree things can be take out of context and they constantly are, I so often wish I could have certain discussions with members here face to face just so that we can get through to each other.... and YES of course to see some of the handsome men we have here... ooops getting off topic yet again....

    However I truly think that certain comments are off limits. Calling someone an idiot or calling someone a black/white idiot are completely different things to me, same thing if I would for example tease my guy and say "get your behind overhere" versus "get your black behind overhere" the latter is off limits in my opinion.
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Uh-oh now Lipstick is in the hot seat for being politically incorrect. At least it's equal opportunity. :lol:
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    always stretching the boundaries...i find it quite humorous that we talk black/white in the forum all day everyday...but referring to someone's black ass has somehow become of concern...i could go back through every thread in the forum and find where someone has stated the color before a body part...

    white skin
    white pussy
    white women's hair
    white feet
    white facial features
    white breasts
    white butts

    black skin
    black hair
    black bodies
    black facial structure
    black dicks, cocks...

    everything but black ass...hmmmm....

    so the words black/white are off the table...right? is that where we are?

    just want to make sure everyone is jumping on board with this...if we are all going to be as karma put it "politically correct"



    I'll go first:

    I'm gonna fuck your lilly white-pussy with my big black cock!

  16. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    I just wrote a reply to have it blown away aaarrghhh frustrating....

    here goes again....stereotype for a redhead, temper/good in bed...but that wasn't the point I was trying to is the context in which the words are spoken, not just bytch, but you redheaded bytch, not just get your ass....but get your black points to that which is different......having a hard time explaining this.....frustrating to write much better if we could just have a cool conversation.

    of course "cracker" wouldn't affect you or me nor "peckerwood", or "whitebread" or "whitegirl", as would a similar insult to a person of color, the history of violence and oppression just isn't there.

    designer, that's why I edit my post so much, I think way faster than I type!!

    lucifer, I could use a clone...or please..get busy cloning!!

    LMAO at lucifer's last post...that just illustrates better than anything I could have written what I mean...I hope it's clear....anyway where's our favorite person DJ?

    And karma it's not that you are not politically correct, you are just not logical to me.......



    Just so we're clear...I'm not refering to's my imaginary WW lovers...PALMela and HANNdA.

  18. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Uh-huh....bashful. Someone is coming out of their shell...maybe you should keep practicing though... :roll: :twisted:

    lipstick - it's all subjective perception - eye of the beholder etc... People get pissed, others don't give a damn. I think it's like the sex talk thread - what some people get off on, others wouldn't dream of saying (without a lot of vodka :lol: ).

    Anyway, hell no I am not signing onto your ultra-PC treaty!! :wink: I reserve full right to gush about my love for smooth, creamy, soft BLACK skin until I my pasty white ass gets kicked off the board! :lol:


    :? What is this shell that you speak of?

    What about:

    "Shake dat ass White girl!" ?


    Too tame.
  20. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Aaaaah Lucifer, not beating around the bush eh??? LOL

    Lipstick, I am certain you didn't mean your statement in the sense it is now being perceived and torn apart.
    I think it's not about using color as a discriptive "beautiful, soft black skin" (nothing wrong with that) it's using it in connection with a negative statement or as a put down.

    It's a thin line, if you use it in connection with a positive statement it's ok. If you use it in an argument it's hurtful and misplaced. Using ones color brings race into the argument which I consider unfair.

    Just my PC opinion :wink:

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