Do most Russian women have an attraction to Black men?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by dark side, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    dj4monie...i thought about you last night as i was having dinner with a man i met online...we had been emailing/phone chatting for awhile and he suggested we meet first we were going to meet for coffee at starbucks but at the last minute he called and said i'm actually hungry can we meet @chilis instead...i agreed...i had been working all day and hadn't eaten dinner...we went into the bar area...sat at the bar...ordered conversation...joked with the bartender...
    now what i want you to know is this guy is 36, divorced, 2 kids, different moms, lives in an apartment, has a roommate...he is a personal trainer...easy on the eyes and a body to die heart was going pitter patter...

    so this is that part where i think of you...when the check came...i picked it up...he asked what's the damage...didn't offer to you know what i paid for it...for you...for him...and for all the guys that think an american woman wouldn't be willing to pick up the check...he didn't argue with me...not one objection...not a big deal to me to pay...i have guys buy me dinner all the time...

    and no he didn't have a fancy car...i'm okay with that...i enjoyed his company...period...end of story...


    Lucky DJ...she thinks of you while having dinner with another man!

    Cyber playa just like JREM.

    Play on playa!

    Seriously though:

    Damn! I think I'm in love.

    Hey, Liiipstiiiick...Gonna buy ME dinner?

    I have an excuse though...I'm a broke-ass med student in debt for about $150 far! Pretty please with sugar and ice-cream on it?I also have 0 kids, no car, live on campus, am 5'5''-6'' (short man!)...hum, what else? Yeah, moody too.

    So can you hook a brotha up?

    I kid. I kid.
  3. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Thanks Designer for being the "voice of reason"

    I agree, we all have a preference for one or the other based on our personal experience and we are entitled to that. It just is a matter of how one expresses his/ her preference and justifies exclusion of a certain kind.

    DJ4Monie wrote:
    But I thought you wanted the stay at home Mom???
    I have a question and again DJ this is a genuine question not trying to stir you up so please keep that in mind when you respond.
    Maybe the 2 have decided, before they have children, that this is how they want to do things. Have her stay home instead of paying for child care? Maybe I am to naive but I hope that when I meet my husband we will be on the same wavelength as far as how we want to live our lifes and where we want to spend OUR money. I simply can't believe that any man would become his wifes "workhorse" I mean seriously if pussy has THAT much power women would rule the world, last time I checked we don't

    I also agree with a previous poster, the obsession with materialistic things is outrageous in the US. Houses that are way to big, cars that are way to big, everything has to be perfect (watch all these home make over shows) match and be new. Not even speaking about the impact all this has on the environment I would never want to be a slave to my house or car or anything else materialistic. I want to live a modest, healthy and happy life. That's how I grew up and I don't see anything wrong with that. All I ask is that my partner is on the same level as I am as far as goals both personally and financially. I always say I don't want for someone to provide to me what I can't provide myself.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lucifer...can we please just add "fine" to the broke ass med student...i like sugar and ice cream...yummy...if you ever find yourself in denver...yes, i will buy you dinner...i might just do more than buy you dinner...
    about this moody thing...that is just not going to fly...


    Fine broke-ass med student OR Broke-ass fine med student OR Fine-ass broke med student. :twisted:

    Confusion is imminent. :shock:

    Free food! yayy! :lol:

    Denver is now on my "to visit" list. :twisted:

    I'm undergoing moody-ectomy as we speak.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    let's just say that lucifer is "fine" period end of would be fine even if you weren't a broke ass med student... :p
  7. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Luficer... let me know how the Moody-ectomy went. If successful I will send you some more patients
  8. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Actually since the subject has derailed there is still truth in what is being stated unfortunately many rather not pay attention to this. Just like the rhetoric of a politician's we prefer the lie of "I won't raise taxes" rather than the truth of "that's exactly what I am going to do and here's why"
  9. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Yeah let's get this back on topic,make a flirt thread if you want to do that. :lol:
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I have sat back long enough on this one. Seems to me that this isn't about the relative merits of American vs. Foreign women, it's more about the insecurity of the man himself.

    Women are like anything else, there's one in your price range, you just have to shop for it. If you're playing beyond your league, it's not their fault.

    There are American women who are cool with you living at home, especially if you're saving for a goal. Women like it when you get along with the moms. There are American women who are normal-sized with no kids. There are American women who will support you in your struggles (I am not one of the people who say that white women can't relate to a black man's struggles by the way).

    This cat Lucifer is studying to be a doctor. You mean to tell me he can't get any woman he wants regardless of nationality? Game is on.

    I'm all for foreign women. I've had Spanish, Asian and German girlfriends in life and have travelled a bit myself. But don't generalize all American women as overweight golddiggers and single mothers. And European women aren't perfect. They are a bit more open to you, but when you get down to it, your game must be airtight, same as American women.

    If your game is bunk, it don't matter the nationality of the female.

    Just my .02
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Yeah, don't call me overweight. :lol:

    Seriously - Karmacoma, I like your post.
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Chi -

    In my personal view, the mother should be at home early in a child's development and I have said that before, use the search button.

    I would hope to gawd you were on the same wavelength before you married the guy, maybe many woman don't do that???

    I expect my wife to be home from age zero to around school age. As my Ukrainian friend said "I want to be the woman in the relationship" only in Western Culture does that include a career, but like most MODERN East European women, their culture changes with the times and they want BOTH.

    If my friend's wife would work 25 hours a week, he could reduce his hours down to 8 a day. He gets 10 hours of overtime every week.

    The kids are 9 and 10, your not do much "mothering" at that point, your more of a supervisor and "guidance consular". Kids have their friends, sports, they don't need you as much.

    They only scream "Mom" because you control the finances....

    I was a child once with a mother that was single from age 5 till age 12, I UNDERSTAND the dynamics.

    Lip -

    Strange, why would you think of me on your date? Women have paid, its nothing new, but you did come clean about not having to pay for your dinner very often, which is true for MOST women that date on a regular basis.

    On Topic -

    I would show you were you can interact on a forum with women from Eastern Europe looking for Western men, but frankly as Jack Nicholson once said "You can't handle the truth"
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

  14. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I can tell you "Game" is required with ALL women, the world over.

    I'm just saying you can dispense with the material objects generally with European women; some just don't have much of their own.

    I never said their aren't American women with no kids, thin and aren't crazy, that will support your cause. I said they are FEW and FAR BETWEEN.

    If you live in NYC, San Fran, LA, Miami, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Detroit and Boston; You'll have a very, very hard time finding such a woman and if you do, chances are they are from small or rural area in the US.

    What I am saying is you can find SENSIBLE women like you describe in MAJOR cities around the world, not some in rural part of OHIO; where I met some girls from that area of Ohio "Small Town USA" on the London Underground, not more than 24 hours ago while on my way to see Timberland in Concert and Afterparty - WOOT!

    But if you like American small town types, by all means...


    Lucifer's also very bashful. :oops:

    Really. :oops:
  16. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Aaargh - if you would read his (I think K is a male...) post instead of jumping to conclusions about what you think he is saying, you would see that he never said game is not required.

    Everytime I read your posts, dj, I don't know whether to laugh or just simply shake my head. The contradictions within your posts, the generalizations of other people based on where they come from, what they look like and what they have or haven't done in life, and the assumptions you make of other forum members without reading and thinking about their posts is entertaining but extreeeemely frustrating.

    Do you realize you just made a snap judgment of every woman raised in a rural area in the US, based on a chance meeting of some girls on the underground? You must have had a very in depth and meaningful conversation with these girls to make such an all encompassing decision.

    Maybe the fact that you went to a Timberland afterparty lends some kind of weight to your decision? It must, otherwise why would you bother 'dropping' your attendance at such an event? I guess someone who rubs shoulders with the big dogs must have sufficient character judgment to rule out all small town US girls.

    I will be interested to see where things stand with you in 10 yrs after you've had ample time to live life armed with the pre-conceived notions you've limited yourself with.

    Even though I cannot seem to wrap my head around your point of view, I do wish you well.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    we can help you with that lucifer...chi, fnnysmrtprtty and i really want to bring you out of your shell... :twisted:
  18. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    lipstick - our dear lucifer is like a delicate woodland creature, we must always speak softly and move slowly, lest we scare him off!!
  19. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Actually I wasn't making fun of them. They were nice, one was fairly attractive, my camera is charging SORRY, maybe later.

    We talked about ages and such when one mentioned she was going to the wedding of the girl she used to babysit, only 23; as I said before, try that with a American big city woman and she would think you lost her mind for even considering marriage that young. And I noticed some concern in her voice when they asked how old I was and I said, "I'm at the age when you start getting concerned if I'll ever have children or not; even though I look younger." She let out a sigh and said "I have that SAME problem..." Home girl is her early 30's and as in some parts of the world, ummm you think you've hit "Crazy Old Cat Lady" status by the time you hit 30.


    How am I contradicting myself??????

    Hey I was at Timberland's afterparty it was FUN, why not talk about it??? I missed my plane at Heathrow, what did you want me to do sit at the fricken airport? How about pay for a room to the tune of 215 British Pounds, if you hadn't notice the American dollar takes a "POUNDING" literally vs the Pound and the Euro. 215 pounds is like $500 US dummie!

    I LUCKED up on the show when I went to the Underground terminal

    If I was struck in a US airport, what choices would I have had????

    Maroon 5 in concert?? Rob Zombie maybe???

    As they said in Britian - I haven't put a foot wrong since I touched down in Europe....

    Best time of my life!

    And I know small town people, pull your head out of your arse! They generally have a small minded view on many things. Which is WHY there are RED STATES and BLUE STATES and MANY OF THEM ARE CLOSER TO THE CENTER OF THE COUNTRY WHERE THERE LESS BIG CITIES. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

    These are people with Dale Jr's number on the back window of their car. I know small town people I used to drive COAST TO COAST, LOWER 48 with JB HUNT and guess WHAT most of those people COME FROM SMALL TOWNS. I rest my case.

    These are the same people that wondered aloud if a German couple that rented a RV to travel across America and stopped someplace in Nebraska if "had money do that" (travel to the US) like loosing WW2 had crippled the country, never recovered and everybody is POOR.

    These are the same people that think everybody in Sweden is BLOND, when there more BLONDS in Poland, The Ukraine, Finland and Russia.

    We have taken this thread way too far off topic to recover it now, its another Anthony vs The Women That Know Everything Terror Squad
  20. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Case in point of rampant generalizations and assumptions. You ever so eloquently make my arguement for me.

    Good luck to you, Anthony, I will leave you in peace now. :wink:

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