Favorite Movies Lines

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Bliss, May 6, 2013.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The Book of Eli

    Eli: "You know what's the good thing about no soap? You can smell a hijacker from a mile away."

    Hijack Leader: (as hijackers come out of hiding) "I am impressed, this man can smell us from thirty feet away, now what's that say about our hygiene! (to Eli) What's in the bag?"

    Eli: "What bag?"

    Hijack Leader: "You got a gun.. he's got a gun.. tip it on the ground."

    Eli: "I can't do that."

    Hijack Leader: "This guy's a fucking genius... Drop the fucking bag on the ground! Are you listening to me?" (taps Eli on the side of the shoulder)

    Eli: "Yeah. Are you listening to me? Touch me with that hand again and you're not getting it back."

    Hijack Leader: (laughs and goes to touch Eli again, Eli cuts off his hand with his machete/sword leaving him cradling a blood gushing wrist) "He cut off my hand!! What are you standing around for!! Kiss Him!"

    Hijacker: "What'd he say?"

    Eli: "He's in shock. I think he meant 'Kill Him'."

    Solara: "What was it like before?"

    Eli: "People had more than they needed. People didn't know what was precious and what wasn't. People threw away things they kill each other for now."

    Carnegie: "And who are you?"

    Eli: "Nobody."

    Carnegie: "Oh, I doubt that. The men you killed in my bar, now they were nobody."

    Carnegie: "I need that book. I want that book. I want you to stay but if you make me have to choose I'll kill you and take that book."

    Eli: "Why? Why do you want it?"

    Carnegie: "I grew up with that book. I know its power."

    Carnegie: "Put a crew together, we're going after 'em."

    Redridge: "For a fuckin' book?"

    Carnegie: "IT'S NOT A FUCKIN' BOOK! IT'S A WEAPON. A weapon aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control of them. If we want to rule more than one small, fuckin' town, we have to have it. People will come from all over, they'll do exactly what I tell 'em if the words are from the book. It's happened before and it'll happen again. All we need is that book."

    Solara: "You know, you say you've been walking for thirty years, right?"

    Eli: "Right."

    Solara: "Have you ever thought that maybe you were lost?"

    Eli: "Nope."

    Solara: "Well, how do you know that you're walking in the right direction?"

    Eli: "I walk by faith, not by sight."

    Solara: (sighs) "What does that mean?"

    Eli: "It means that you know something even if you don't know something."

    Solara: "That doesn't make any sense."

    Eli: "It doesn't have to make sense. It's faith. It's the flower of light in the field of darkness that's giving me the strength to carry on. You understand?"

    Solara: "Is that from your book?"

    Eli: "No, it's, uh, Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom Prison."
  2. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

    New Jack City

  3. DonnyJ

    DonnyJ Banned

    Bad Santa

    Marcus: If I call you next December. IF I call you next December. You gonna be so happy to hear from me, you gonna do a goddamn back flip. You gonna put on that Santa hat on so fast that you gonna get fuckin' hat-burn.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member


    Osbourne(First lines)-"The French tried to build a canal here before the Americans. At the height of their effort, 500 workers were dyin' a week from malaria and yellow fever. They couldn't come up with cemetery space fast enough. Not to mention the morale problem all those crosses would have made. So they bought shiploads of vinegar from Cuba, and in each barrel, they sealed one corpse, and they sold them as medical cadavers all over Europe. And for a while, that was their principle source of profit. You see, this place has always had a special way of dealin' with profit and death."

    Sgt. Nathan West-"As some of you heard, there is a hurricane warning tonight. Well, Rangers do not wait on good weather. Rangers do not wait for sun shiny days. Oh, no. Rangers are trained to operate in the worst possible conditions, and take said conditions and turn them against their enemies. You each have one rifle, one sidearm, and one white phosphorous grenade. This is a live E&E, so please keep those weapons safetied, so you are not to shoot off your nonexistent dicks."

    Styles-"Osbourne's the closest thing we have to an in-house investigator."
    Hardy-"And here you are going out of house...now, how does that make you feel, Jules?"
    Osbourne-"Hostile and uncooperative, sir."

    Hardy-"Three things, first you don't have a choice, second, I've never taken a bribe in my life, and third...I'm still a little drunk from earlier so if I skip over the witty banter and move onto coming on to you, I hope you don't take offense."

    Sgt. Nathan West-"Those of you I find lacking will quit. And those of you who refuse to quit will have a training accident. This base suffers three training accidents a year. Unfortunate accidents that I will repeat if you cross me!"

    Dunbar-"You think you know everything? You haven't scratched the surface."
    Hardy-"I know enough to know that you've got two choices. You either sign a confession and spend the rest of your life in a cell. Or you can tell us to fuck off, and you'll be hanged. Now, am I scratching..."your" surface yet?"

    Sgt. Nathan West-"So pretty. So dead."
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    I can't figure out if this movie is a drama with some smart ass (funny) comments, or a comedy with some drama activity??
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually it's suppose to be scifi. Wasn't the biggest fan of it because of the religious stuff but it was half decent
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Is it a serious sci-fi or marvel-typeish? I found the religious references interesting.
    Also, were you not expecting religious content, despite the name? Or did you just not like how they approached the religion part?
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The film was set in a post-apocalyptic America. So, it can be a sci-fi, action, drama. In these scenarios, one can expect the religious angle in the plot.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Religious yeah but not sanctimonious. I guess the trailer didn't really reveal it to be that way to me. It was more serious sci fi kind of like 12 Monkeys
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I've seen it, basically he has the only surviving copy of a King James (i think) Bible, the world has turned to shit and he wants to get the book somewhere safe where it can be copied and put back in circulation (which he does in the end) ideologically setting the world on the path to rights.

    In between he has many adventures, mostly people wanting to kill him and that kind of Reminds me of Stephen Kings The Gunslinger.
  11. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I read The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower. That story, according to Stephen King was inspired by Chaucer. It had a touch of the dark ages with a touch of the Old West because of the guns he carried. It was an alternate universe.
  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    An alternate universe or some kind of afterlife limbo, I never decided which, but the Landscape I envisioned for the Gunslinger books is similar to what I watched on the book of Eli.
  13. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member


    James Smith-"Now wait a minute. Listen, just listen. Man, you've got more talent when you dance than anybody I've seen. And I've seen a lot of dancers. I studied at New York...Alvin Ailey. You burn when you dance."
    Nomi Malone-"But you said I couldn't."
    James Smith-"Well, you've got to hold some of it in, and dancing ain't fucking."
    Nomi Malone-"What's That?! More Wisdom? I know that!"
    James Smith-"No you don't. You dance like when you fucked that guy last night."
    Nomi Malone-"What guy?"
    James Smith-"The guy with the chick. You took 'em in the back."
    Nomi Malone-"I didn't fuck him."
    James Smith-"Yes you did, you fucked him and her."
    Nomi Malone-"Are you following me around? I didn't fuck anybody I was just..."
    James Smith-"I saw you! Man, everybody got AIDS and shit. You know, what is it that you think you do? You fuck 'em without fucking them, that's what you do! Well, it ain't right! You got too much talent for it to be right!"
    (Nomi hits James)
    Nomi Malone-"Get out of here!"
    James Smith-"Bitch, I'm tellin' you the truth! You want me to go? I'm out of here!"

    James Smith-" I have a problem with pussy. I always have, and I'm always gonna."

    Cristal Connors-"You fuck him for the spot? Or you fuck him cause you wanted to? I say you did it for the spot."
    Nomi Malone-"Is that what you did, Cristal?"
    Cristal Connors-"You don't want to piss me off, darlin'; now that we're friends."
    Nomi Malone-"No...you shouldn't get pissed off. Makes you look older."
    (Nomi pinches Cristal's cheek)

    Henrietta Bazoom-(singing)-The Farmer in the Dell, The Farmer in the Dell, I had a cherry once and now it's gone to hell."

    Henrietta Bazoom-(singing)-"Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam and I'll show you a house full of shit."

    Henrietta Bazoom-"You know what they call that useless piece of skin around a twat?(pause) A woman!"

    Cristal Connors-"There's always someone younger and hungrier coming down the stairs after you."
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ^ ^ ^SHOWGIRLS dialogue rocks! It's become a 'sexy, soft-pornish' cult classic, IMO!^

    Thanks for the synops, Bug. I actually like the premise. :D
  15. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Ron Howard was supposed to be directing the feature film version, but the production has hit some snags.

    Joe Ezsterhaas, who wrote the original script, got the idea for the character name of Nomi Malone by using his wife's name(Naomi) and Malone because Nomi was all alone in the world. Showgirls did not do well in the box office but it made bank on video sales. A lot of people, including Quentin Tarantino secretly congratulated Ezsterhaas. Paul Verhoeven, the film's director pitted Elizabeth Berkley and Gina Gershon against each other to help with their characters. There was a sequel in the works where Nomi heads to Los Angeles to take on Hollywood, but it was scrapped.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yes , it's a King James Bible but with a twist on it if you recall.
  17. AMR1986

    AMR1986 Active Member

    "Garbage Day!" from Silent Night Deadly Night 2, and any line from The Room.:)
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Hellboy II : The Golden Army

    (Prince Nuada of the Fae enters his father's audience chamber after killing humans, breaking an ancient truce between mankind & his people established before recorded human history)

    King Balor: (in Gaelic) "Why? Why have you done this? Why?"

    Prince Nuada: "To set us free. All of us, Father."

    King Balor: (in Gaelic) " You have broken an ancient truce between our people and mankind."

    Prince Nuada: "A truce based on shame! The humans have forgotten the gods, destroyed the Earth. And for what?! Parking lots, shopping malls. Greed has burned a hole in their hearts that will never be filled. They will NEVER have enough!"

    King Balor: "What humans do is in their nature. To honor the truce is in ours."

    Prince Nuada: "Honor? Look at this place. Where is the honor in it? Father, you were once a proud warrior. When did you become their pet? (turns to the assembled crowd in the chamber) I have returned from exile to wage war and reclaim our land, our birthright. And for that, I will call upon the help of all of my people. And they will answer, the good, the bad...(holds up a golden crown piece) and the worst."

    King Balor: (horrified) "The Golden Army! You cannot be that mad!"

    Prince Nuada: "Perhaps I am. Perhaps they made me so."

    Prince Nuada: (to Hellboy) "You! You will pay for what happened to my friend down there."

    Hellboy: "Yeah, right. You take checks?"

    Prince Nuada: (enraged) "Demon! Born from a womb of shadows, sent to destroy their world and you still believe you belong?"

    Hellboy: "Are we going to talk all night? Because I'm really sleepy."

    (a mortally wounded Hellboy falls to the ground in the cavern that serves as home to the Angel of Death)

    Liz Sherman: "Red!"

    Angel of Death: "Anung Un Rama..."

    Liz Sherman: "You know that name?"

    Angel of Death: "And yours... Elizabeth Sherman. (laughs briefly & stands up to his full height, spreading his wings) At last. I have been waiting for you both many a winter moon. I am his death, and I will meet him at each crossroads."

    Liz Sherman: "Can you save him?"

    Angel of Death: "It is for you to decide that. 'Tis all the same to me. My heart is filled with dust... and sand...but you should know it is his destiny... to bring about the destruction of the Earth. Not now... not tomorrow... but soon enough. Knowing that, you still want him to live? So, child. Make the choice. The world... or him?"

    Liz Sherman: (without hesitation) "Him."

    Angel of Death: The time will come and you, my dear, will suffer more than anyone.

    Liz Sherman: "I'll deal with it. Now save him."

    Angel of Death: "It... (reveals the enchanted spear tip of Prince Nuada that was lodged in Hellboy's chest) ...is done. (laughs softly) I have done what I can. Now, give him a reason to live."
  19. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    The Books in his head, that's the twist right? the book he carries around is a manual or something, it's not really a bible just the cover as a placebo.
    I forgot that till you mentioned it.
  20. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    You're tearing me apart, Lisa!

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