Is Talking A Woman Into Sex Wrong?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by samson1701, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I just want to point out that by sarcasm being missed. I meant how people can miss the obvious that only poor role models act and use this type of language but if you lived in that area where it is habitual then you probably didn't get the message.

    kind of like in the boondocks where one guy stepped on another guy's shoe and a fight began. I thought that was a joke. It never happened where I came from then I got to houston. And it happened...
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Growing up in philly, I seen this a lot

    I almost got into a fight because someone ELSE scuffed another guys timbs back in HS. The guy who started beefin with me didn't see who scuffed the back of his boot and well....I was the closest mothafucka around lol

    I seen all kinds of shit growing up and when people say they haven't, it reminds me that there are 'better' areas out there

    I really didn't see how good people had it until I moved away for college

    I lost all traces of hood until I came back to philly...and here I am...screaming nigga until my lungs collapse
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Rea talk. Remember Iceberg shirts with cartoon characters on them that cost like 150 for damn t-shirts and Coogi sweaters? I went to many of parties where dudes were willing do jail time if someone spilled something on this shit they couldn't afford.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Lol@iceberg and that's some real shit

    I had a store not too far from the hood that sold that stuff...all that gear promotes is petty thievery and fighting in already bad areas

    There was a club near it too...and as you can imagine, it was shut down after bouts of shootings
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I won't be trashing my NAS CD's anytime soon either.
  6. Otis

    Otis New Member

    Hold up - if you can't talk your ole lady into giving you some when you're really in the mood, then I'm moving!
  7. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    That's not rape. The interest was mutual. And she said "okay".

    The "no" people are talking about is much clearer. If the latter part of the conversation went like this:

    Guy: So, let me give you what you like.
    Girl: No... I don't want anything

    Then that's very clear. Past that point, it becomes sexual harassment.

    ...the other things you wrote about men lying for sex and being aggressive. That's a negative mental frame.

    Also, be more understanding about women who've been traumatized by or are fearful of being sexually assaulted. There's no need to place the interests of "normal sex" over their point of view. Everyone can win here.
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    The girl said no, make up your mind. No means no or no sometimes means yes?

    In the story, the girl clearly said no but the guy pressed on.
  9. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    Thanks! x 3

  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  11. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    Assuming that everything before the scenario was copesthetic... the guy wasn't annoying her... wasn't pestering her... these are two people getting along...

    Seems to me he sincerely asked "why". A "why" isn't protesting her choice. Sounds to me like that's just an inquiry.

    She responded that she didn't want to be a sex toy.

    He saw things differently... He explained how he saw it. He's offering to give her something she liked in return for something he liked to do.

    Seems like she gave that perspective some thought "hmmm..." and said "...okay (chuckles)".

    It sounds to me like she's in total control.

    And she can stop at any time past this point.


    wouldn't be my style. but at a glance this scenario seems like two consenting adults having a conversation (if it is two adults). I don't perceive this to be manipulative or forceful.

    Not sure what you're surprised about.
  12. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and not give that dude the benefit of the doubt there...

    clearly your mental frame on this is off. Clearly manipulative and coercive.

    Apologies people, I totally misread that scenario.
  13. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    Yeah... how about I stop wasting my time with the likes of oafs, brutes, vindictive, and disingenuous cowards like yourself.

  14. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I can't rep you. Grrrr.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    All you did was just blubber about no doesn't mean no all the time, agreeing with the OP. Good job.

    So much for this. SMH
  17. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Same here...
  18. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member



    persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
    "they were coerced into silence"
    synonyms: pressure, pressurize, press, push, constrain; More
    obtain (something) by using force or threats.
    "their confessions were allegedly coerced by torture"

    What force or threats have I used?

    And manipulation? That implies I have some sort of advantage over these women. If you believe women and men are equal (I assume that you do), then you must believe I have no advantage. And if I have no advantage, how can I manipulate anyone? However, if you feel that I have an advantage because I am a man, then you must think men are somehow more mentally capable than women. Do you feel that way? Are you one one of those men who believes men are more mentally able than women?
  19. Skylight

    Skylight Active Member

    :smt001 thank you very much

    :smt001 danke schön
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


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