Need some input for a book

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ikebana, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Ikebana

    Ikebana New Member

    First of all hello to everybody in the forum, I am a European writer -so I apologize for my poor English and I hope you could forgive me for wasting your patience- who are about to write a new book about an interracial romance and I am interested in focusing on the particular subject of the difference in the cultural background, traditions and ethics.

    As a preliminary work I am reading -passionately I must said- about the interracial passion and the hard time some couples had been enduring to share two different system of values and cultural background. All your items will be extremely welcome. Personally and for particular reasons I would like to have the answers to these four questions:

    1) What's the trait that attracted you the most in your partner (I mean, his or her voice, the style, the smile...)

    2) In the black and white relationships particularly, what are the kind of women/men who attracts you and why? I mean, if you are attracted to mature women, why is the reason of your attraction?

    3) What are and how do you avoid or resolve the cultural conflicts in the couple?

    4) What have you learned (tolerance, respect, a more open minded global vision of the world) through your interracial experience?

    Thanks for reading
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    He was a good, decent man. He wasnt into the bars, drinking, etc. He was serious about God and living a rightous life.

    I do have a soft spot for black muslim men. I have a beard fettish first off, so a beautiful black man with a beard will turn my head every time. But, also, I like that they dont drink and live a disciplined life.

    I think part of the attraction was living with an alcoholic for awhile. I have no patience for substance abusers of any kind. Not only will they wreck their lives, they will wreck yours if you allow them in.

    Communication is the only way to work thru any problem. When approaching a problem such as where to live, first ask what do I need, then ask what do I want. Be able to recognized the difference between a need and a want.

    I have learned that black men are just men like any other men. They have their collective good points and they also have their collective bad points. Respect him as a man.
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    1) attracted to pretty smile and eyes, kindness, interesting, adventurous lifestyle and spirit

    2) I am attracted to a woman who is well educated-Graduate school level or professional, intellectual, into conservation and nature, Conservative politics, well travelled, well read, adventurous in trying different activities, athletic, into Arts, politics, farming

    3)there are no cultural differences, we are both Americans and so we had the same upbringings--only class differences, she is working class, I am upper middle class, but no cultural differences

    4) I learned that the talk about racial differences is just ignorance about life--that there are no real differences
  4. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    I do not mean to be too frank, but I have this habit of telling the harsher truth. But riddle me this, why in particular would attraction to a White European be any different to a Black European/American/African for black men and white women?

    I had to think LONG and hard about my attraction to White Women in general. I concluded, it was never about her skin tone, or her "whiteness",more or less, it was about her state of mind. It is on a completely different level. In GENERAL, White women are more accustomed to for filling HER needs and of HER spouse's all at the same time. It is a feat I find quite umm......intriguing. This, of course varies in degree, and is an exaggeration of the truth.

    If you want to compare size, then on average, between White Women and Black Women, Black women are "heavier." Too ME, being overweight is an character FLAW that just does not sit well with me, and is incumbent to her self-esteem and state of mind. Not to say I have never seen an overweight White women, but Black Women tend to more on the heavy side, and I like "thinner" women. Yeah those "skinny minies."

    There is nothing like having a conversation, and older White Women GENERAL tend to be more umm.......experienced, open and educated then Black or Asian women. Therefore, have more to talk about then the latest editorial of Cosmo, or what is the latest fashion(even though I am very....... how you say..... "fashionable")and who is Jennifer Anistion's new boyfriend. I find conversation with younger women in GENERAL quite boring. I need a mental masturbation every now and then. :lol:

    And the sex with older women is FAR BETTER, with White Women, it is sometimes.........BLIND BLOWING. Physically, if older White Women were more youthful looking I would never date an younger women again. It is too bad that only youthful looking older White women I have seen are WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestants).

    Conflicts are just that, like a daily grind, can not be escape; but, they can be temperate, only through trust and understand, communication and discussing the stability of the relationship. It is too bad many Black male/White female couples self-destruct because they only ignore a condition that is already disagreeable and only exacerbate the situation which is disagreeable.
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I would say that style is what I'm attracted to the most, but style all depends on the individual. For example, I could be physically attracted to 2 women who carry themselves in the same 'style', but their personalities may indicate how their style is truly reflected.

    Mature women vary from person to person, but I find myself more attracted to older white women than younger white women because of their mindset, demeanors, and overall, sex appeal in comparison to a younger chick who is just as pretty.

    Well, if there are any, then the relationship probably isn't meant to be anyway, and I would never get involved with someone of a different culture if there will be personal conflicts between us.

    Good question. I have learned that no matter where you are, who you deal with, and what you go through, people are people, and people can be tough, either in a good way or a bad way.

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