Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    1. I see what you're saying, but you have to remember something; politics. When it comes to this stuff we have to look past the result and look at the reasons why. Republicans were all for universal health care as far back as Nixon (Maybe even before that). Remember, the ACA is nothing more than a republican health plan. That's why Obama chose that model. He knew he could get it through. It was a win-win for both sides. Not to mention, it gave the republicans another issue they could fire up their base about. How often have you heard one of them say, "Elect me and I'll repeal Obamacare blah, blah and so forth!)? They were always going to eventually pass it. Except this way they could blame it on the Democrats.

    Higher pay for the troops is another political game. Dems wanted to give every federal worker a wage hike of 3.8 to make up for years of no cost of living increases, but republicans said no. Think about this; as you said, the military largely votes to the right. If they begin to get good increases from democratic administrations, they will begin to vote democratic en mass. Especially given the fact that dems aren't as quick to send them into battle as the republicans are.

    Which, to me, would be another reason to vote for dems if I were a soldier. Sure, a good bump in pay would be nice. But what good is it if I'm too dead to spend it. Especially if I died over oil fighting a country for no reason. The republicans know this. So, they are not about to give the dems a win with the military. They use the troops as pawns in more ways than one and it sucks.

    2. Nope, how republicans run welfare in their states is all on them. Back in the late 80's early 90's that's what they clamored for; block grants with no strings attached. Republicans swore up and down they could do a better job, spend less money, and reduce the number of welfare recipients by getting them working if only the dems would just give them the money and get out of the way. So, Clinton signed off on it and fast forward almost 30 years and who has the highest number of welfare recipients? You guessed it, republican led states.

    I'm sorry, but republicans deserve the blame on that, too. They got what they asked for and failed. You or I would be fired from a job for doing that.

    3. It really depends. I think it's pretty fractious when it comes down to it on the left. I think location and occupation plays a big role in how important immigration is to the average liberal. But, you're right, a lot of us don't feel it's as big an issue as the right does.

    4. There isn't a state in the union where gun ownership is illegal.

    5. We can either start with one of the foreign examples and work out from there. Or, do our own thing and come up with a better way to do free college. It can be done successfully in the U.S. It has already been done successfully in the U.S.. California used to have a great free college program ... until Reagan. Republicans strike again.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  2. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    The only Republican that would have gotten my vote. A whole lot of blacks feel that way, too. I predict, if Hilary wins the nomination, he'll endorse her.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    1.) Interesting take. Sounds like a plausible political strategy.

    2.) I'm not trying to completely exclude the republicans from blame. My overall point is that the democrats have baggage as well. There is really no reason to be a loyalist to any party. Slick Willie was on some bullshit with that NAFTA agreement too.

    3.) It would make sense for location to influence concern. I could see that playing a role.

    4.) My advice to the Dems on this would be to let it go. Their position on guns is a loosing political stance. Trying to win a southern state with their so called reasonable regulations is a no go. I'm not a political analyst by any means, but this is so obvious that it isn't funny. For some people gun rights are the main reason they vote.

    I remember when Gore was running, I was gung ho for him to win and damn near everyone I talked to mentioned the fact that he had a tough stance on guns. If that was true no wonder he lost his home state in the election. Also nearly ALL the veterans that I know support the gun policies of the right.

    Their stance on guns (dems) could be fixed easily so it's just annoying these days.

    5.) I'm willing to look into this. Hopefully there are some good findings because the more we discuss this issue the more I start to prefer Hilliary over Bernie.

    Honestly I've been trying to figure out which idea is the dumbest between trickle down economics and a free decentralized state college system. No conclusion on that one so far.

    The issue of the supreme court appointments is about the only thing keeping me from saying the hell with the Dems at this point. I don't like any party at all, but Bernie needs to elaborate on his plan for state colleges. Just saying that they should be free is not good enough.
  4. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    Yeah I'm not convinced that cost is what's keeping more kids from going to college. I think the problem is rather that most (including me) eighteen year olds assumed it was free. (lol).
    High school is free but kids still drop out.
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    As I filled out my health insurance re-enrollment, I couldn't help thinking back to the "salad" days when I had several choices of coverage.

    Now, I have 2, a middle of the road PPO and a Consumer Driven option that's just crap. Both of which are costing me more money.

    I hate the ACA. Hate it.
  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Do you get your insurance through your employer or do you go to the exchanges on your own?
  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    look at the backgrounds of all of them. Sotomayor is probably the only one that dealt with this. This is why I wanted non ivy league judges. yes, sotomayor is the exception but a small exception.
  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    All of the current justices went to Ivy League schools she is no exception.

    "Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice, was nominated by President Barack Obama and took her seat in August 2009. She was nominated by President H.W. Bush to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, and served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She was educated at Princeton University and Yale Law School. She is generally considered a liberal voter."


    Anyway, Thurgood Marshall went to Howard so maybe you are on to something.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    When I said
    look at the backgrounds of all of them. Sotomayor is probably the only one that dealt with this.

    I was talking about a personal level. All of the rest of the justices have had better lives than her(from what I know). She is more likely to dissent because she has dealt with big life issues. She's going to be more compassionate because she has dealt with say an alcoholic father before.

    I felt that non ivy people are more likely to have dealt with difficult life problems which may make them more compassionate.
    The rest of my comment agrees with yours and was pointing to sotomayor as an exception.

    Though Marshall is exception on my point of view... a guy who comes from a better background than sotomayor and didn't go to an ivy. He probably would not have dissented.
    I need to elaborate more on what I said. I was too lazy and tossed a quick comment.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm getting it through my employer.

    When I had the idea that until I found a FT job in my field (new master's degree in Jan) I thought I could live with 2 PT jobs for awhile. I looked up health insurance coverage on the exchange and it was cost prohibitive.

    So, my options are my employer or nothing (and pay for that privilege). LOL.
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Not to delve into your finances too much, but with two part time jobs perhaps you qualify for the subsidies? They could help offset the costs of the exchange plans.
  13. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    One of the big reason Dems don't support school vouchers is because it only rewards kids with motivated parents while leaving children who's parents aren't that involved, or unable to get their children to a charter school behind.

    See, that voucher is money and when a child takes his or her voucher, that money is taken with that child. So, it depletes an already cash strapped school even more. Therefore, you end up with a bunch of kids who, by no fault of their own, end up getting a crappy education in a continually failing school system.

    Also, a lot of those schools can pick and choose the kids they take. Public schools have to take all comers from the district. And, if I remember correctly, they don't have to kids with disabilities (learning or physical). Now, this may have changed. I'm not entirely sure. But, that was the case a few years back.

    In short, it rewards those with resources to do better and punishes those that don't. Instead of finding a better way to fund our schools, Repubs and dumb Dems would rather find new ways to divvy up an already shrinking pie.

    2. You're right on that one. 3rd party candidate Ross Perot tried to warn us of that and people made a joke of it. But, I'm not loyal to any party. Only ideals. Dems are closest to what I believe in and have the best chance at winning. It's all about odds for me. Shit, I'd vote for Hitler if I thought he would further my agenda. ...lol

    4. Naw. Dems problem is they suck at communication. Why the hell would they call it gun control? That's where Republicans shine. they know how to label their plans and talk about them in a way that makes them seem like great ideas.

    Dems just need a better way of communicating what they want to do and quit letting the NRA frame the argument. The majority of us aren't trying to take away gun rights. Just want to make firearms harder to get for those who are unfit to carry them. Most Americans agree with that stance, BTW.

    Free college is a great thing and it could be done if we put our minds to it. Bernie isn't going to say how he'd do it at this point. No candidate would. If he started telling his approach now, by the time of the election there would be so much mis-information and bullshit to wade through it would turn off most voters. He smart to keep his cards close to the vest for now. Remember; it's all politics. He's got to play that game if he is to win.
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Maybe one of these candidates should address daycare costs. Maybe the Idea of a full deduction for all related expenses is a good place to start.

    I can't imagine having a kid right now unless the mother is at a good place in her career or willing to stay home and take care of the child full time. It's rough for single parents out there.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Very good point, my wife and I decided and prepared *before* we had kids that she would stay home. She ended up staying home for more than a decade, until both of our kids were in school full time, then she decided to resume her career, and I was able to move into a home office so our kids have always had a parent at home when they are home. This has provided a great sense of security for our kids and something I strongly promote for others considering having kids.
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Your kids are lucky.

    My mom was a stay-at-home mom and I grew thinking that if I ever had kids, that's how I wanted it to be. I think having a parent home when your kid gets home is very important.

    Of course, life had different plans for me. LOL. Oh well. We have to play the cards we're dealt.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I will look into that. Thanks!
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i agree. this is awesome for kids. u surely chose the right woman.

  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Not sure I understand this picture North, sarcasm or agreeing?

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