Who in WWBM.com would be a good match and why?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by SardonicGenie, Apr 10, 2006.


Would you consider meeting/dating a specific poster in wwbm.com?

  1. Yes

    347 vote(s)
  2. Nope

    2 vote(s)
  3. Unsure

    11 vote(s)
  4. That's none of your business

    3 vote(s)
  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Because she was serious...
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    omg this thread.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    What the hell is going on in here? You know what? Fuck it. I dont want to know. Im out.
    This is some bs.
  5. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I actually prefer this thread in it's new format. The old thread had become a game of Fantasy Fuckball where people just spout off the names of 11 posters. It was *yawnish*

    At least it's somewhat entertaining now.

    And take it as you will, but there is a high degree of truthiness in what Hydroxide is saying. I think there certainly is a place to have a big boys and big girls discussion on Hydroxides points. I've actually wondered myself if WW are somehow unable to relate and therefore sympathize with what it means to be a BM in this country, and if so should I be looking to date BW exclusively. I've also often wondered why on social forums, when bigots start spewing the n word and talking about what cracked out monkeys black people are, how uneducated we are and how we deserve to die, why there is so rarely a white voice intervening. Granted, I think deciding to take the Kanye Westian approach in an ego-boost thread was not the best decision, and the personal attacks are quite unnecessary.

    This IS White Women Black Men, right? The place where we celebrate and discuss all things related to interracial relationships? The points that Hydroxide brings up are far more topical and meaningful for this forum than who some K list celebrity is fucking. For example, who the hell is Taylor Boogarshitz and why do we care who she's blowing? Unfortunately, the sub forum that this topic belongs in is at the ass bottom of the board, where few posters dwell and would require an actual discussion beyond 'nice tits', which few posters appear capable of achieving. In many ways, this forum very much proves the points that bigots make about IR relationships, especially when they reduce them to a simple fetish.

    Anyways, my 2 cent. I pass the mic back to Mikey.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    When threads such as how to have a good relation type threads are posted....how much traffic does it get?

    How often are you posting in it?

    How many positive threads as such did YOU put up?

    If you arent putting them up then you are part of the problem.

    Hell, i have put up a slew of relationship type threads and nothing?

    Tbh the dudes here spew so much hatred how can u have a decent convo?

    The ww here are tired of the degrading convo the so-called men spew. Where are u on that shit?

    So please get your hands dirty first and then say what up with these dudes?
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    As far as the bw/ww issue.....u need to ask yourself why do you date ww versus bw?

    For me...i dont give a fuck if she is white or black.....im dating her because she is down with me. Nothing political or social. Just for happiness. End of story.

    Like every person you would like them to be hot....thats human nature.

    I dont have an big problem with the porn shit....hell women like porn too. Lets not front.

    So lets be honest.....mofos need to stop w/ the bs.

    Its fine to have small talk too. Im not going to want to talk about serious shit all the time however i dont eant this bs of hate her too.
  8. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Q) When threads such as how to have a good relation type threads are posted....how much traffic does it get?
    A) Simple. Post a titty in it if you want more traffic.

    Q) How often are you posting in it?
    A) I'm 35 and single, what the fuck do I know about having a good relationship?

    Q) How many positive threads as such did YOU put up?
    A) How many threads of any type have I put up? I can only recall 1...

    Q) Hell, i have put up a slew of relationship type threads and nothing?
    A) Not sure if that's a question or just a statement ending with a question mark.

    Q) Tbh the dudes here spew so much hatred how can u have a decent convo?
    A) Agreed.

    Q) The ww here are tired of the degrading convo the so-called men spew. Where are u on that shit?
    A) Which degrading convo? The weight stuff? Here, let me address that now. "TDK, please stop talking about weight." Happy now?

    Q) So please get your hands dirty first and then say what up with these dudes?
    A) Another Question-Statement fusion.

    Between working, studying, fucking, playing Destiny and watching Utopia., I only have so much time to dedicate to the threads that have no interest to me. I'm sorry, but "What's important in a relationship" peaks my interest just a smidgen more than 'best big booty on a white girl'. Maybe start more interesting and thought provoking threads and I'll dedicate one of my 1.92 posts per day to it.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    The short of it is.....you are part of the problem.
    35 yrs old and you dont have anything to say? Come on now. You have something to say on this.

    You have been reading this thread and others so ypu have time to post something. We dont neef a fucking book.
  10. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    - As far as the bw/ww issue.....u need to ask yourself why do you date ww versus bw?

    I don't date WW vs. BW. I date WW and BW.

    - For me...i dont give a fuck if she is white or black.....im dating her because she is down with me. Nothing political or social. Just for happiness. End of story.

    Understood, but to go one of your 'what makes a good relationship' threads, wouldn't it make sense that your partner understand you and have your back? If equal rights for women is important to my girl, then on some level I need to have an understanding and appreciation for her and have her back. Not sit in the background and just let her do her thing. I'm 'happy' hanging out with friends, if I'm in a relationship with someone I'm hoping it's a much deeper connection than just being happy.

    - Like every person you would like them to be hot....thats human nature.


    - I dont have an big problem with the porn shit....hell women like porn too. Lets not front.

    Not sure the point that's being made here. Sorry.

    - So lets be honest.....mofos need to stop w/ the bs.

    What BS?

    - Its fine to have small talk too. Im not going to want to talk about serious shit all the time however i dont eant this bs of hate her too.

    You were making a good point, then the rest of the sentence happened and the entire thing went to shit.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    My bad watching the news. They talked about walmart shooting....jury said killing was justified. Thru me the fuck off.
    I was saying a person get tired of serious convo all the time.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    As far as the porn.....i was referring to your statement of "nice tits"

    As far as ww sympathizing.....they do all the time. Ypu just see what you want.

    Overall i agree that the convo can be better but ypu can be the one to do that. Dont wait on someone else.
  13. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Ahh dude, I'm fine with the porn. I also like when that workout girl posts thong pics. Some actual meaningful and thought provoking discussions would be nice too.

    As far as the WW sympathizing, a few do sometimes.

    Also, I do contribute to the conversations around here. If you haven't noticed, it's because you're just seeing what you want.

    Anyways, in summary. I understand where he's coming from and on some points, I agree. I do not agree with his approach.

    Now, I gotta get to work.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Anyone that calls a discussion about rape "hysteria" or even thinks of using the term "radfem" is a woman hater, period.

    My 2.3 cents.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Yeah...no doubt. However i have no idea who said what.
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Thanks for saying what I'm portraying. Good to see that you're understanding of what we're trying to convey. Also, I think there is another angle of this that we haven't seen yet. I'm not a woman hater, but I know through my experiences with them (regardless of race) to realize that some women can be incredibly insensitive and self-centered and perhaps that is another contributing factor to this problem that we're faced with. The general personalities of women are to blame as well. When an unfortunate situation happens, they are either indifferent to it or they use it as an opportunity to gain attention for themselves, and again, it is possible for any woman of any race to have a personality like this. I made a post to Loki in the "Going White" thread, and the Reddit link within the article has a posting from a guy who said that he received a text message saying that his grandmother has died. His significant other asked him, "so can we get ice cream?" He repeated what he said to her, and she said again, "does this mean that we're not getting ice cream?". To your last point on here, that's definitely correct. Not everyone here contributes to that feeling, but some people here do.

    But what if he doesn't hate women and he's justified in saying that? Both men and women have made things worse for each other. Are you saying that in every claim that occurs, the woman is right in what she says and the man is wrong? Another thing that I'd like to point out to you Athena is that if an atrocity has happened against a race / gender in the past, it is harder for that group to advance up and stabilize themselves in society. You have to had already known this. The only demographic of people who have never historically faced an atrocity are white men. Everyone else is at a lower and more difficult standard and this mindset still plays out throughout the legal systems all over the US.

    Here is a link that explains more, it's about Marvin Anderson and John Otis Lincoln.


    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Cool. Enjoy going back and forth. I agree with you for the most part though...iit would be nice we can have intellectual convo without the drama...and low level convo (fun convo).
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Why don't you use some common sense and start an actual thread dedicated to whatever issues & views that you seem to think the clueless among us need to be enlightened on by the all seeing and knowing likes of yourself & buddy Hydroxide?

    As I said yesterday, if you have to hold an already existing thread hostage to discuss some topic you feel needs to be discussed at length , then you already know the topic isn't worth discussing to hold up in its own thread.
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Because the "clueless among us" obviously wouldn't care even though it will affect them in the long run if they don't respond as soon as they can with something to propose. At least since its here, people will be forced to see and that explains why you are who you say you are. And you're trying to say that the topic isn't worth discussing because the "clueless among us" don't want to participate in it anyway. Unfortunately, you and the others care more about the NFL, NBA, rap music, hardcore porn, nude pictures, movies, and famous people rather than things that really matter that should warrant open, un-restricted discussion on this site. We need to move on and advance further than that.
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And here is how & why you and other like mind individuals cut your own throats. Who are you to dictate to others what topics they should or should not focus on for discussion? Who elected you the voice of this site & who gave you the power to "FORCE" others to participate in discussions? This is exactly why you are treated like an obnoxious little ass & most of what you post is either ignored or dismissed as nonsense.

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