Addicted to White Women?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Combichrist87, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    never be afraid to be your authentic self and live in your truth! Must admit at one point I was not as open with my preference due to fear of upsetting family/still being partially financially reliant on them throughout college/early part of my career. Man was I miserable! You mentioned relationships like ours coming under attack. What’s weird is living in the Midwest/South (whatever you consider Oklahoma lol) it’s a lot more common of a pairing than you think and I’ve personally noticed an uptick in interest and flirty interactions. Especially from country women. Not complaining by any means lol. All this to say once I got to that point and noticed the sun still shined, life still moved on it’s been amazing and I’ll always support others doing the same.
  2. denisemilanifan

    denisemilanifan Active Member

    Yes, I get this totally. You are so afraid to take that leap but once you do you are soooooo much happier and see the world differently. The barriers they put on us now are all in our mind, we have been brainwashed and conditioned not to pursue what makes us happy. What brings us joy! We have to remind ourselves that we still have the right to go after our desires! There is definitely an uptick with 1:5 black men going for white women, I want to see it reach 1:4 and even 1:3 ratio respectively. I know so many young black men miserable who do not get to go after the women they admire.
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  3. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    Wow idk the number was that high tbh although I suspect some still aren’t either open about it or comfortable with themselves to admit their preference.
  4. denisemilanifan

    denisemilanifan Active Member

    Gen Z is much more open about it, but older generations still walk on eggshells talking about it.
  5. breanna03

    breanna03 Active Member

    I'm glad you were able to move beyond those inhibitions and get to where you are now :) and I'm glad for you, I hope I start seeing more of an uptick myself! I get checked out and noticed regularly by black men and have had a handful of them ask me for my number, but most who check me out or notice me don't seem interested enough to approach me or start a conversation. I'm wondering if it's because I've got resting bitch face or seem unapproachable :confused: tbh I'll probably try some dating apps soon and see if it's easier for us to break the ice in that environment :)

    one in five is more than I thought there was tbh! where did you find that statistic? I would like to hear more about why you think it's actually one in three or maybe see that statistic too if there is one :)
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  6. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    Lol at the RBF thing, but it might not necessarily be just that. It could be something simple as nerves on their part or (which is usually my case) question if they’re interested/open to men on the dark side. Thats always been a hang up of mine and usually why I end up passing and/or waiting until more obvious signs of interest show. Thankfully the universe seems to know that so the signs hit me like a ton of bricks:D. Just something to think about. In terms of dating apps in my experience it’s a hit and a miss but I also don’t stake a lot into it. Seem to actually draw interest irl from the ones that probably swiped left on my profile :cool:
  7. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    This is true. Being one of the last batch of millennials I’d have fallen into the latter. I’m glad though the newer generation is going for what they want but I also feel it’s been more accepted by them from the jump.
  8. denisemilanifan

    denisemilanifan Active Member

    Okay may have been mistaken but I could've been sure I saw more up to date information from 2022 that said there was a huge jump

    PEW research had it at roughly 1:10 married to a white woman, with 1:5 black men married to non black women, but this is not accounting for dating. Here is the PEW research link most dramatic,a different race or ethnicity. but that number has definitely grown since 2017 so this info is out of date and it's growing fast. If I find the article I'm looking for I'll link you to it, but it was basically saying that it jumped by doubling the amount and that the census is not accounting for the wave of millennial black men and gen z black men coupled with white women but just not married yet and so it was predicting a surge that would catch folks off guard. To put things in perspective in 1990 only 6% of black men were in an interracial relationship at all, PERIOD. Now its more than that simply with black men with white women, you account for Latinas, Asian, Indigenous, etc and it leaps to over 20%.

    I definitely am not comfortable talking about it with some people, though I have actively started trying to befriend more black men who date primarily white women. And I already have an exorbitant amount of white female friends, even most of my black female friends tend to hang out more with white women than any other group of ladies. It's a changing tide for sure.
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  9. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

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  10. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    Having a friend that understands and even had the same thoughts on it helps TREMENDOUSLY. One of my closest friends I met in college is the same way and he’s been a godsend because most times if the topic came up in conversation I’d be hit with a :eek::confused::mad: face. So when I saw he was the same as me just became a safe space to talk about it
  11. denisemilanifan

    denisemilanifan Active Member

    I need more black men, and frankly even white women who understand this in my life
  12. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    And what does a resting bitch face look like, exactly?
  13. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    This possibly lol
    Breanna03 would have to confirm
    Or deny this for research purposes lmao
  14. breanna03

    breanna03 Active Member

    yes this is exactly what I look like when I open the camera app and it's unexpectedly on selfie mode. thank you for raising awareness @jmoney42 ;)
  15. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    Aw just doing what I can ma’am, tough job but somebodies got to do it :cool:. If you read that in a cheesy movie hero voice probably hits different lol :D
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  16. breanna03

    breanna03 Active Member

    just tried a couple different superhero voices here at the nurses station and I got some interesting looks :p now I'm laughing like an idiot :D
  17. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Member

    :confused::confused: Probably should’ve used a read silently approach instead, my bad :D. On the bright you made their day interesting:cool: got to look at the positives lol
  18. breanna03

    breanna03 Active Member

    yes. life is short, they can handle it :p
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  19. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Good conversation! Sadly, I let societal expectations within the black community hold me back for a long time. I did break out a bit in high school when I started pursing latinas. Growing up in the west Bronx there were no white women around for me to pursue. I started branching out slowly in college years, but far too slowly. I'm thankful that I got beyond that phase. My ex would sometimes mention the dirty looks she'd get from BW when we were together. I even spotted it myself a couple of times.
  20. denisemilanifan

    denisemilanifan Active Member

    The dirty looks took a while to get over, and even now it sometimes is frustrating. I was out with a platonic friend who is a white woman at a bar, these two black women walked in saw me talking with her, assumed we were together (she is married) and rolled their eyes at me. Made the black women look so petty and unattractive but it also hurt in a small way.

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