Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    I'm privy to info on the sales & purchases of 'Hollywood' scripts. Charlize Theron's production co. recently bought a script titled, "The Ice at the Bottom of the World"...whereby she would star as the mother of a mixed-race child. The father would be African American. I don't have details on the story or plot quite yet, but I'll keep y'all posted.

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Charlize Theron??? Doing an IR film???
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I got to see it to believe it Kid. Hope she confirms it soon.
  4. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    She's doing the film but her love interest hasn't been cast yet. Its in post-production.
  5. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    This movie isn't going to look at IR in a positive way. It's set in the Chesapeake Bay, where a Navy captain reluctantly retires for health reasons. After years of neglecting his family while at sea, the grizzled veteran throws his dysfunctional family into chaos.Theron will play one of his daughters, who returns home a heroin addict and the single mother of a mixed-race child. I bet there will be no intimate moments from a African-american male or there probably won't even be an African-american male.
  6. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    Don't be so negative. Have you actually read the script????

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  7. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I don't want to be negative but realistic. Charlize Theron is A-list and hollywood doesn't like its golden girls with black males.
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  8. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    [/quote]hollywood doesn't like its golden girls with black males.[/quote]

    That right there is the words Im talking about that needs to be shouted
    out through hollywood and the public that right there would do it. Just
    soembody have to have the balls.
  9. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    hollywood doesn't like its golden girls with black males.[/quote]

    That right there is the words Im talking about that needs to be shouted
    out through hollywood and the public that right there would do it. Just
    soembody have to have the balls.[/quote]

    Not just anybody but a top actor/actress. Denzel won't do it and Jamie Foxx is too busy hitting on numerous women. Will Smith blamed it more on the myth.Halle Berry probably doesn't even care. And the rest of the top black actresses are too busy hooking up with wm on screen. I don't see any people coming out and saying anything.
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  10. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Wesley Snipes along with denzel, sean penn, marlon brando, gary oldman, and edward norton are my fave actors. He is cool, suave, dangerous and always fucks hot white women in his films. But his newest film "7 seconds" and many of his recent films are going straight to DVD? Have the black community abandoned him or does he just pick bad projects? He started out as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and now he has fallen off the map. He can act well but also fight well. An article that reviews his new movie 7 seconds I found sums it up well:

    Maybe with statements like these, action star Wesley Snipes need not wonder why he has lost the black community and his once A-list career has fallen into B movie straight-to-DVD hell.

    Wesley Snipes: "I read that white women were bedroom generals. Some people think that means they're great in bed, but that's not the issue. They're talking about a place where the man is at his most vulnerable, where they have the most control. They don't have to beat him over the head to mow the lawn. They can whisper it in his ear and give him a kiss on the cheek and it's no problem. That's a general."

    Wesley Snipes: (His reference on marriage) "I don't understand the mandate of being together forever. The idea that you should do that is wrong. It makes us slaves to a societal mandate. You can still love, but it doesn't mean you have to be tethered to the flesh."

    Wesley Snipes: (on why most of his on screen love interests are white) "Lot of the scripts I've been in with other non-white actors haven't been great. Lot of non-white actors ain't all that great."

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Of all the viable action stars currently kicking ass and not taking names, Wesley Snipes is probably the most enigmatic of the bunch. If not the man himself, then at least the strange progression of his career. (Although Snipes' personal life is also pretty interesting; didn't he once buy a patch of land in some podunk town and built himself a bodyguard training camp?) Despite the continued commercial success of the "Blade" films, Snipes has nevertheless appeared in no less than four direct-to-video features (not counting "7 Seconds", which puts the total at 5). How is this possible, when the man continues to be a viable big screen action hero?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "7 Seconds" is the typical Snipes flick with average acting, good action and a steamy interracial romance (or two). It plucks Snipes out of Hollywood big-budget films and drops him into Romania (aka the choice location for filmmakers on a budget looking for ridiculous tax incentives) as Jack Tuliver, an ex-Delta Force commando who makes a living masterminding elaborate robberies. Jack's latest target is an armored car company, but when a second gang shows up to ruin Jack's getaway, our hero goes on the run with a mysterious briefcase containing something everyone seems to want, while his girlfriend falls into the clutches of the bad guys. Also along for the ride is NATO military cop Kelly Anders (Tamzin Outhwaite), whose car is stolen by Jack as he flees his would-be assassins. With the Romanian cops, Kelly and her military police, and the bad guys all after him, Jack's got little place to run and even fewer answers.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The first thing you'll notice about the first 30-40 minutes of "7 Seconds" is that director Simon Fellows ("Blessed") seems to be imitating the films of Steven Soderbergh. "Out of Sight" gets cribbed by way of Jack and Kelly's initial meeting, and further followed-up on when Jack keeps calling Kelly back using her cellphone to flirt. Meanwhile, there are more than a few nods toward the "too cool for school" vibe that Soderbergh executes with such effortlessness in his caper films. Curiously, Fellows seems to abandon his cribbing of Soderbergh's style about halfway through, leaving room for brutal fistfights and a lengthy gun battle in the bad guy's mansion that goes on for way too long without the cops ever being called to the scene, even in Romania.

    The film offers up a couple of twists and turns, but most of them are superfluous, and seems to have been added as an attempt at visual flair. Further nodding to the filmmakers' needs to be Soderbergh-esque, there are enough uses of flashbacks to convince you "7 Seconds" would be about an hour long if not for the constant flashbacking going on. It wouldn't be so bad if the flashbacks only highlighted important plot points, but the filmmakers think the audience is so dense that we need to see every single detail, as if we were too dumb to grasp what they were talking about, even if it's the most insignificant or mundane of "twists". I kid you not when I say that "7 Seconds" might hold the record for the most flashbacks in any movie ever.

    Martin Wheeler's script does provide plenty of amusing moments by way of running gags throughout the film. One involves Jack's magical ability to end up on the wrong end of a gun, and the other has Kelly driving around in her smashed up car for the rest of the film. The movie's best asset is, without a doubt, star Wesley Snipes, who handles the action just as well as the film's more lighthearted moments. Snipes isn't in full "Blade" mode here, but his character is very capable -- at least when the bad guys aren't getting the drop on him, which seems to be quite often. Snipes gets to show off his martial arts ability in plenty of scenes, but the gunfights tend to go on for too long, especially the final shootout. Plus, the sound foley is atrocious throughout much of the gunfights.

    Of the supporting cast, blonde beauty Tamzin Outhwaite has little to do except background exposition, most of which becomes moot since Jack inevitably learns the same things when various bad guys confess to him. As the captured girlfriend, Georgina Rylance (who seems to be in just about every American movie shot in Romania nowadays) has even less to do than Outhwaite. The best of the lot is the character of Spanky, and even though I don't understand 80% of the things the guy says, he's still pretty funny throughout. The filmmakers should have made Spanky the sidekick instead of keeping him taped to a chair through most of the film.

    In the end, "7 Seconds" is hindered by its low budget, a slightly muddled script, and uninventive execution by the director. Snipes is good, as he often is in these type of movies, but there are times when even he seems to be performing well below his true potential. My guess is that Snipes knows he's in a throwaway B-action movie, and after a while simply adjusted accordingly. Having said that, it's easy to see why "7 Seconds", despite the presence of a still-hot action star, went straight to video. It simply doesn't belong on the big screen.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    the movie "to sir with love" and guess whose coming to dinner are my favorites with Sidney Poitier

    Also Gregory Hines in White Nights and other movies

    Don Cheadle also
  12. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Yea I love Sidney Poitier films. Guess Whose Coming to Dinner is one of my fave films all time. By the way one of my fave lines from 7 seconds is when she says to Wesley: "You know, you're a pretty good looking man Jack." And he says something like "Ooh, I knew you were into me." And she says "Hmm, I dunno, I might have to think long and hard about that one." Then he says "Long and hard, I bet that's just the way you like it." She says back, "Haha, play your cards right and you just might find out." I swear when she said that last part, she runs her fingers through her blonde hair and does that thing that girls always do with their neck when they get sassy (you know what I'm talkin' about), and my dick just about ripped through my boxers LOL.
  13. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    What white hottie would you all like to see Wesley star with in his next film?
  14. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Can't agree with him more in what he says about marriage - don't see why that would lead to the movie world castigating him! (do we really live in a society which reveres the sanctity of marriage universally?!) but the others might be a bit controversial. Then again the most controversial people are usually the most interesting, so I'm sure me and him would have a great time together arguing. 8) Still love 'im.
  15. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I'd love to say Mischa Barton but right now, im so crazy in love with her that i cant stand to see another man even smell her hair. So i'd say someone like Reese Witherspoon. Nothing better than a sweet Southern belle!!!!!!
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  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Whoooa... :lol:
  17. Darman

    Darman New Member

    That's Hollywood for ya, more fake than a politician who promises cheap gas and a better economy!
    It would be interesting to see Theron with a black love interest, especially with her being from South Africa.

    ... Jessica Biel, when is her time coming?!
  18. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I personally would love to see Biel do an IR film.
  19. charmer

    charmer Member

    Oh hell yeah! Biel is hot!
  20. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    I know this flick has been discussed here previously...but, this was actually quite a successful movie at the box office. I'm surprised that MTV/Paramount Studios doesn't have a sequel in development. Maybe, I should contact Thomas Carter (movie's director), and suggest he do exactly that.

    The Kid Rasta 8)

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